Well...I must say the weekend was quite fun! Don't you agree? For all of you sweet peeps who participated in the "Where Bloggers Create" Party (over at A DESERT COTTAGE) didn't we have a bang-em-up time? Whether you opted to show pics of your creative spaces or just stopped in for a peek, you have to admit it was all quite exciting! Thank you again, Karen, for hosting such a fabulous event and for all of you wonderful Bloggers who took the time to comment on my little studio! Your visit meant so much to me! There is great talent out there in Blogland and it felt wonderful to be included with so many amazingly gifted women!

As a little THANK YOU for stopping in, I'm having another GIVE-A-WAY! It's easy to enter and there are several ways you can get your name tossed into the hat!!! LOTS OF CHANCES TO on...

First...let me tell you what's up for grabs...
The pretty HEART HANGER above will be given away in a drawing on August 2nd at 9:00pm. The pretty Heart has been painted a soft sugary pink and comes graced with hand painted PINK ROSES. This one shows the word LOVE across the front, but I'm happy to paint anything (up to 7 letters) for you. I've sold these in my on-line shoppe for the last several months and have several in my own home... Value is about $24 and I'll ship it just about anywhere!

1. If you FOLLOW my Blog you'll be automatically entered once.
2. If you LINK back to this POST I'll enter your name again (you just have to let me know!) - YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION TO USE THE HEART PICTURE ABOVE ON YOUR BLOG IF YOU DECIDE TO DO THE LINK!!!
3. Post a comment on this Post or any of my Posts from now until August 1st. Each comment will count as one entry! Post as many times as you like!
Now peeps...don't be shy! Somebody has got to win and it might as well be you. Right?

If my count is right this is my fifth Give-A-Way since I started my blog in January '09. I hope to offer up many more fun and exciting things before Christmas!

I just loved the little peek into the creative spaces of some of my fav bloggers!! Your studio was especially wonderful!!
Please enter me for your give-away!! I have just the place for the prize!!
Have a great day....
Ah, I have missed your beautiful "pink bliss" blog while I have been MIA... Please let me be the first to enter my name in your give away!!!! What a beautiful piece --- how will you ever part with it??? Love and many hugs to you...
LOVE the heart. Pink and roses are my faves so please enter me in the give away.
OH and I am a follower too, lol
Oh I love the heart and would love to win! Thanks, Rebecca! I'm already a follower! ♥
What a wonderful giveaway. Please enter me. Where Bloggers Create was great. I enjoyed seeing everyones work space. Also getting a chance to see bloggers whom I never got a chance to visit was good too.
I will be the first to leave you a post..I did love the "where bloggers create" I loved looking to see if anyone was like me in my style...ther were so many ,,including you..I so love roses.. and have many roses in my gardens..thanks for the fun give away..
visit me at: and you will see your link there..
Hi Rebecca, I am never lucky to win anything..poor attitude..but this heart would sure look nice in my quest bathroom..also not sure if I commented on your pics of your studio. Lovely! Now I just have to see if I can make my small room look more decorative and get to painting..havent done so since our major move. Sally
What a lovely heart, your roses are so pretty. I would love to be enetered for this precious giveaway.
What a lovely, peaceful place to visit. I'm really enjoying looking at all your posts and catching up.
I'm also tickled to be entered into your drawing (having been recommended to visit by Dee Dee @ DeeDee'sCraftSpot blog)
Thanks so much!
I would love to be entered as a potential winner of your beautiful handiwork. I visited your workspace on Friday and must say I am sooo jealous! What another lovely space you have created for yourself. It must be so gratifying to step back and look at the beauty that surrounds you through the talent that God has given you. You are truly blessed!
Blessings 2 u and yours!
Thanks Rebecca for a chance to win one of your beautiful paintings. Again I loved your gorgeous studio. Have a blessed day!
Please enter me in to your giveaway. O 'love' your 'love' sign. It is so soft and pretty. I'm having my first ever giveaway in a couple of days. I will post about it tonight. (To celebrate my 200 posts!)
Lee Laurie
Oh so pretty...please add me to the draw!! Fifth giveaway...your very generous Rebecca. I thought you had been blogging for longer...your one of my faves!!
Oh wow I am learning so much on here and so many giveaways I must enter this I love the hanger it's adorable!
Good Monday Morning Rebecca!
What a SWEET Heart that is and for this wonderful give-away! I'd certainly LOVE to be entered into your drawing..hope you pick me!!!
How very pretty your lovely hanging heart is!
Oh Rebecca, I would love to win something that you have painted with your own two hands. Oh my gosh. I am so excited about a drawing. I will post a link back tonight when I get home. I would so love to win this. How thoughtful of you to share one of your many talents. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Mine was busy. We are worried about Amy. She is going to see an eye specialist this morning. She has been seeing spots in her left eye, they change in color from black to blue. So Debbie is taking her this morning to have her Dr. check her out. I continue to pray for her. Thanks again for a wonderful post and a wonderful post. You are phenominal. Country Hugs and Love, Sherry
Is was a truly wonderful experience wasn't it? I am so Karen hosted such an event. I was so inspired by all the beautiful blogs out there, I felt like I was in a magical dream..... I want to create so many things after that!!!
This is so nice of you to have a giveaway!!!
Margaret B
Hi Rebecca, You know how much I would love to win anything you create. I had so much fun this past week at the blog party too. So much inspiration! There are so many creative women. Isn't the world lucky?
Thank you for the sweet message about my July garden.
Reading~Following & Commenting!
These would make an excellent birthday prezzie for a "pink" gal I know!
Will be posting about your giveaway on my blog tomorrow. Http://
I will be tweeting it as well, I'm @hmgiveaways
I would "love" to win a painting from you. You are kinda famous with me now.
You are so creative and the contest always fun:)
Made a quick link to your giveaway on my blog...glad to help to get the word out.
Rebecca, what an elegant creation once again. How sweet of you to give a 'thank you' gift for your followers.
Now y'all wait a minute ... 7 letters spells M A R Y D O N!!
Hope you pop over, I have a wee one that needs lots of 'help' in prayers ...
Hugs, TTFN ~Marydon
This is beautiful Rebecca! I've just posted about it on my blog for you. Hopefully it won't lower my chances of winning too much, lol!
I love your giveaways!!! Such pretty stuff.
Very cute giveaway please enter my name thanks. Traci
This is lovely!!
What a delight it would be to have this pretty piece in my home!
Thank you for the chance to win....
You have such an absolutely beautiful blog and your WORKROOM, OMG, it is gorgeous!!!! Hugs, Marsha
I didn't realize that was a meme or blog carnival. Those things can be so much fun. I bet your post was the best!
I am yearning to be the winner. I have several of your items in my home but can always handle more.
I enjoyed looking at all the creative spaces in the blog party but none of them compared to yours. I am never weary of looking at the photos of your home and the lovely items you have there. Your creative space was not only beautiful eye candy but so inspirational as well.
Blessings to you, my friend.
In Grace,
Thank you for your beautiful blog and for helping me to start my own blog. I am very excited. Hopefully, I can add some color to my blog. I love your pretty pink heart and would like to be entered in the drawing. You are a very talented lady. Vicki
Wow this is the first time I have seen your blog and let me say I am in awe of how pretty and sweet everything is. I would love to have a chance to be in your drawing.
Good Evening Miss Rose Yourself:
I have copied your beautiful rose heart and posted it on my blog with the link back here for your drawing. I so want to win. Put me down for another chance to win. Stop by and say hi when you can. I love it when you visit. Country Hugs My Precious Friend, Sherry
I spent a great deal of time looking at all the blogs posted in the "Where Bloggers Create" party. I enjoyed every minute too! Your creating space is so beautiful.
Please enter me in your giveaway!
I am now a follower and I will post a button for you on my sidebar. Please say "Hi" if you stop by!
It's just beautiful and would fit perfectly in my sewing room--making it one step closer to my shabby rose room I'm working on achieving. ;)
I also posted it on my 2nd blog
Thank you for such a beautiful and generous giveaway.
Cathy ♥
What a beautiful giveaway as usual Rebecca, you are most generous. I'll be happy to re-post your giveaway this week. Can't wait, fingers and toes are crossed. ;)
♥ Teresa
Love it - I have linked back to this post!
I just found your blog through the The Pink Peony and I am glad that I did! Everything is beautiful:). Love the post on your creative space-it's gorgeous!!!
Hi there, Marydon sent me over :-) I'd love to enter your giveaway. You have such a lovely blog.
And now I am a follower :-)
Hi Rebecca, first, I just have to say that I LOVE your studio where you create all your wonderful items! In about a month I will have a room that will become by workplace, and your's gave me such wonderful ideas as to how to decorate it, so THANK YOU :) And of course, PLEASE enter me in your wonderful drawing. I just enjoy reading your wonderful blog, with all the wonderful ideas. It's simply wonderful!!! Thanks again from a fellow pink-lovin gal :) Brenda (shabbycatsandroses)
Hi Rebecca, sorry it's taken me so long to get over here. We have a major roofing project going on over at our place. :)
I would love to be entered into your give away!! What fun it is to be included.
I hope your BIL is doing better. Do keep us updated will you?
I'll be back when it slows down a bit.
Hello what a beautiful Rose. I have copied your link and put you down on my site, please double my chances :0) beautiful thirft store findings, with that lace dress, it's beautiful. Have a blessed day.
Hi Rebecca,
Please enter me in your beautiful giveaway. It is just so lovely!
Thank you for being so generous always!
Well, I tried to link back, but I am quite new at blogging. You are my first attempt to post comments,etc. Let me know if I did it correctly enough to get my name entered at least twice!
Thanks, Sweetie!
P.S. I got the mirror and just love it! What don't I love that you create, huh?
LOL!!! I had to scroll down, down, down and even further down to leave a comment on this post...wonder what's up with that? ;-)
Your give- away heart is beautiful. Good luck to all!
Oh how beautiful! I love all the victorian goodies! I signed up as a follower, as well! Thanks so much! Terri
Hi Rebecca,
Please enter my name into your heart giveaway,its just lovely.
Take care and enjoy your day,
I have linked you my friend. Such a pretty little giveaway too!! Pick me, pick me..... :)
This is my first visit to your's SO PRETTY!!!
I read down a few post and saw the train case that you did. I remember seeing that!!, I can now say...that I "know You"!!
Thanks for having a pretty giveaway.
Deb :)
OMG!!!....i am first timer here.....smitten by your blog...the layout the banner the posts....everything is so girlie-perfect....i am now an avid follower!
Yes PLEASE......
Ooh what a wonderful giveaway! Love your blog!
I just got back to blogging after a much needed family break and to my surprise just in time for your fabulous giveaway.
Yeah for roses :)
Blessings of happiness and all God's best to you and yours.
Happy Trails
Rebecca, I would love to enter into your give a way. I will also be honored to follow your blog. It's been a long time since we spoke, too long my friend, Char
Rebecca, I would love to enter into your give a way. I will also be honored to follow your blog. It's been a long time since we spoke, too long my friend, Char
I would love to be part of your givaway. It is gorgeous
good morning Rebecca, hope I am not to late to enter. I started a new one today, come over and join the fun.
oh my goodness thats gorgeous, i just got home, and i guess just in time to enter, oh please enter me.
thank you so much
I just caught this and am soooooo "IN", chickee........
That song is bringing tears to my eyes, Reb..... I'm going to listen to the finish before I press Post Comment. Gosh, how sad it is when you get to this age. I think you may understand what I mean.
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