Adrienne & Michael
To My Beloved AdrieGirl...
I can't believe it's been two full years since you left the only home you ever knew to marry the love of your life...
The last two years have flown by... You'd made such a beautiful, beautiful bride.
I can't believe it's been two full years since you left the only home you ever knew to marry the love of your life...
The last two years have flown by... You'd made such a beautiful, beautiful bride.

Here it is 730 days after saying "I DO" to the man of your dreams and I still miss you more than ever!

It is what makes you moving away bearable. Otherwise I'd be lost forever without you...
May you always be as happy in your life as you were on your Wedding Day. You made your daddy and I so proud when you came into the world and you still make us proud today. We LOVE Michael and we know he loves us, too!
Now...when can we expect a grand baby from the two of you? Just curious! :) You've had more than enough time now, right? We've been TRYING HARD not bring up the subject but we are getting a little impatient and we ARE getting older...
Love you Most...
I miss you so very, very much~
very sweet...
Your daughter was a gorgeous bride! And I keep "asking" in my head, when my daughter might give us a grandbaby...she's been married almost two years and it's about time I say!
Sweet and beautiful post. sandi
Your sweet daughter was definitely blessed with her mother's beauty!
What a stunning bride, and lovely, lovely daughter. We have 4 daughters, Rebecca, and though one is married and one moved out on her own, they are close to home, so the garden of my mother's heart gets watered often. I will pray for your garden. Our 20 yo daughter wants to move to California and I can barely stand the thought.
May God send gentle blessings your way today.
Hello Sweet Rebecca good grief has it really been 2 years, I can remember when you were making Adrienne's wedding dress not to mention all the lavender satchets (do you remember) & still making the odd thing or two to sell on ebay & telling us all how the preparations were going, just does not seem like 2 years ago..... I cannot get over how much Adrienne looks like her beautiful Mum....
Hope your feeling a bit better than you were yesterday....
Lyn xxx
What a lovely post today and yesterday. I sure do need reminding at this time that grace is there, I just must stop and feel it and allow it to do it's job. No matter the age of your child you hurt when they hurt. We have 2 out of 6 hurting now,as far as we know they are the only ones. Who knows. I still miss them all. Blessings to your Mom's heart.
G'morn, Rebecca ~ What a gorgeous sweet tribute to your beautiful daughter & silove. Happy Anniversary Adrienne & Michael.
Adrienne is a beauty! ... she sure has her Mother in her, & a wee bit of Father.
Grapes!, Rebecca ... it's what's in the seeds ... the fertility fruit. Chuckle! May they be showered with the love of a wee one.
Have a beautiful day as love fills your hearts ....
Hugs of love, TTFN ~Marydon
Happy anniversary to your precious children. Wishing them an eternity of BLISS!!!
I can't believe it has been 2 years either. I believe I first was introduce to your Ebay listings about the time you were making all those sachets for the wedding. I was intrigued not only by the beauty and detail of your lovely designs but also by the sweet, loving and inspirational posts you put on your ME page.
Thank you for all the heart and soul you put into all that you share.
Have a wonderful day, Carol
What a beautiful couple! Looks like a fairytale wedding... she is so pretty, like her mama... Bisous... Julie Marie
Happy Anniversary to them. WOW she is beautiful, your daughter is simply glowing in that gown, and I bet there were tears in your eyes when she walked down that isle. Tell her she looks like an angel
Blessing to you and yours,
Your "little girl" looks so happy... May they always have the happiness the have now in the first blush of wedded bliss!!
p.s Patience is a virtue Grandma!! LOL!!
Wow--it just seems like yesterday Rebecca that you were having a beading party for doing the finishing touches on your Adrie's beautiful gown. Then there were the hundreds of sweet strawberry sachets with the prettiest vintage flowers.
The wedding pictures are gorgeous..what a handsome couple they make
Blessings from Texas
Carol "B"
You have such a beautiful girl there sweet Rebecca. And she looks like her mama. Beautiful!
Happy Anniversary Adrienne and Michael!! She is stunning Rebecca!! What a gorgeous gown :) Your must be so happy she found someone wonderful to spend her life with :)
What a tease you are Rebecca! I'm sure she appreciates you asking in such a public forum! Your daughter really looks like you in her wedding photos too, lucky girl!
OOohhh.. Has it already been two years ?!Gosh, it seems like earlier this year !! Such a beauty Adrie is, and that husband too !! Adorable together...and yes, what a beautiful baby they will have someday !! Hope you're feeling better today, and able to get something fun and exciting done !! mmm..gingerbread men, hearts, christmas trees.. sooo much fun you have creating..Love to you on this new day..
huggers ~tea~xo
You wrote a wonderful tribute in this post to your lovely daughter and to a mom's love in sharing her daughter's joy.
About the sewing machine, my mom had one that looked like that, and we sewed with it, using the treadle.
When my mom bought a new sewing machine, she gave the old one to her church, and they sent it to South America, where it was a treasure since it did not use electricity.
So the machine had new life and someone enjoyed using it.
Hmm, at this time two years ago, yards of fabric, flowers and ribbon, tulle and ruffles lace and lavender. Just a small list of things we were surrounded with Mommy. I remember at this very moment two years ago, I was saying my vows to my hubby. I recall feeling the guarder you made be on my leg, it made be smile to know it was especially from you. Looking around at all the beautiful things you created to make my day special. I remember thinking you must really love me. As I heard your sniffles over my left shoulder as I said "for better or worse" I knew you were the perfect choice for my matron of honor. You deserved the place because it belonged to my best friend which you are and always will be. "I'll love you forever, I like you for always, but as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be". I hear those words so very often, though you’re not always there to say them, I know its always in your heart. I love you Mommy, so much, and thank you for giving me my special day.
P.s. Thank you for giving me the dress of my dreams!
P.s.s. Now, about the baby hint, don't you worry; when I DO get pregnant I am concocting some devious plan to tell you so that I get the best reaction! :) Remember to scream loud so the camera can hear you!!!
I Love you
What a sweet post...and such a beautiful couple! (just like her parents!). Adrie's comment is so touching. She mentioned "I'll love you forever...". That book is a special one to me and my son. I used to read that to him and sing him that song so often. He'll be 21 in a few weeks...how the times passes so quickly!
What a beautiful post for your daughter and her husband. They look so sweet together and she is as beautiful as you are. When I read her comment to you I teared up! That was so sweet! I could feel the love she has for you and you for her. Happy Anniversary to the happy couple!
Lee Laurie
By the way her dress was so gorgeous!
Wow has it been two years really? It seems like yesterday that you were planning and prepping. Time sure does fly! She was a GORGEOUS bride Rebecca, and she looks so much like you! It's amazing.
Oh she's so beautiful. The dress is gorgeous and her comment back to you priceless.
xo rachel
Darling, thank you for visiting me and for joining my followers, much appreciated. I so enjoy reading your posts and looking at the lovely photos. It is such a inspiring blog.
Love & Hugs
Darling I just left a comment for you thanking you for joining my followers, sorry luv, that was an error. You see blogspot has twice deleted my follower button and eachtime it re-appears some followers show as new ones. I am so confused now and am seriously thinking of moving to typepad.
Love & Hugs
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