Giving her a Halloween treat,
I've been absolutely HORRIBLE keeping up with my weekly LOVE IS... Posts! :( Soooo Sorry! Seems like when hump-day rolls around I always have SOMETHING ELSE TO SAY! This is sooooo my life! Ugh!
I really had to do some digging to track down this charming little Clipping! I KNEW I'd find at least ONE Halloween LOVE IS Cartoon tucked inside one of the old LOVE LETTERS my Mr. AGPMan use to send to me while dating...and I was right! I found ONE! Sent to me October 22, 1977... (Wow! I was YOUNG then!!!!).
My guy has always been sweet and bought little treats for me on Halloween. I know it sounds crazy but I sorta like rot-gut candy. :) Not all of it (like the horrid bubblegum I mentioned yesterday!), but some I LOVE! Like Abba Zabba's (which are no where NEARLY as good as they use to be!) and Big Hunks~those little babies will rip out your teeth if you're not careful!). My very favorite Candy is SEE'S! Can't pass on a Bordeaux Bar...Nope! No-can-do!
Since I'm on Weight Watchers I won't be indulging in ANYTHING this year. Save for the Latte Ice Cream Bar that has ONE MEASLY LITTLE POINT!
Anyway, inside the same letter I also found the LOVE IS... Clipping below!
I really had to do some digging to track down this charming little Clipping! I KNEW I'd find at least ONE Halloween LOVE IS Cartoon tucked inside one of the old LOVE LETTERS my Mr. AGPMan use to send to me while dating...and I was right! I found ONE! Sent to me October 22, 1977... (Wow! I was YOUNG then!!!!).
My guy has always been sweet and bought little treats for me on Halloween. I know it sounds crazy but I sorta like rot-gut candy. :) Not all of it (like the horrid bubblegum I mentioned yesterday!), but some I LOVE! Like Abba Zabba's (which are no where NEARLY as good as they use to be!) and Big Hunks~those little babies will rip out your teeth if you're not careful!). My very favorite Candy is SEE'S! Can't pass on a Bordeaux Bar...Nope! No-can-do!
Since I'm on Weight Watchers I won't be indulging in ANYTHING this year. Save for the Latte Ice Cream Bar that has ONE MEASLY LITTLE POINT!
Anyway, inside the same letter I also found the LOVE IS... Clipping below!

Protecting her in
Scary Movies!
My guy learned EARLY ON while dating this hard headed gal of his that SHE DID NOT THEN and DOES NOT NOW, LIKE SCARY MOVIES! I've seen a few...enough to know that my life has now been cut short as a result of indulging in such behavior. I couldn't even handle Jurassic Park! OMGOSH... I still have flashbacks of sitting in the movie theater with my young teenage son and embarrassing him with my LOUD, out of control SCREAMS! He still speaks of this to this day... I personally think it was HIS FAULT for dragging me there!
I'll take Sense and Sensibility any day to the horror flicks!
Enjoy the little children who come visiting tonight! I'll be dressing up Miss K and I'll share pictures with you after she leaves with her Momma and Daddy!
Blessings to you as another October comes to an end...Rebecca
I'll take Sense and Sensibility any day to the horror flicks!
Enjoy the little children who come visiting tonight! I'll be dressing up Miss K and I'll share pictures with you after she leaves with her Momma and Daddy!
Blessings to you as another October comes to an end...Rebecca
Oh Rebecca!
I truly believe we are somehow connected. I have had a migraine from heck for the last several days, and it seems like when I am concentrating about whatever pain I am feeling, at that very time, you seem to know, and email or blog me. Thank you my sweet precious friend.
You and Marydon have so held me up, I cannot begin to tell you what it has meant to me. You are so precious and I will always love you for it. I cannot wait until the day we can actually sit down face to face and have lunch, share laughter,stories and smiles.
I will be mailing your box out this next week. A little thank you for standing in for me at Amy's service. I will never be able to tell you how beholding I am for that. Thank you my friend, thank you.
Much, much love and hugs, Sherry
Loved your little note, I was just heading to bed, good grief, we keep late hours! I needed to catch up on your last two posts. That Miss K is just a doll, and your costumes and makeup for her have been precious! She's a very blessed little gal to have you close and in her life. Have a really fun time with your sweeties, tonight!
Chewy...gooey candy! Those were the days.... Ahhhhh... I loved Halloween. We lived in the same town as I do now & my Dad & Uncle & Aunt were business people so everyone knew me. My girlfriend & little brother used to really make a haul!!
Happy Halloween!
Rebecca! I have missed you and I know I've been a bit too busy working on my new recipe blog to get around to do much blogging & visiting. So I was really HAPPY to hear from you today! Thanks for stopping by and Bless you for your kind words re: my Mom's 1950's picture in front of our church! I love going back in time to remember all the vintage days of my youth when the whole family was still at home. Nostalgia! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Coralie
Hello Rebecca... so sweet you have the little Love Is clippings! I have such a sweet tooth too, I have to buy treats for the kids that I don't care for (smarties, etc) or I would eat them all myself! Happy Halloween to you and enjoy your special Weight Watchers treat! (Sometimes that one point is all you need to taste yummy!) Bisous... Julie Marie
How wonderful is your relationship with your hubby!!! I envy you such love and devotion.
Miss K is just precious. I could have such fun with her as I am sure you do.
Please keep your lovely photos and commentary coming. You have no idea how they lift and encourage all of us who read them.
In Grace,
Happy BOO day & blessed All Saints Day!
Have missed & so look forward to these darling little 'Love Is....'
~SEE'S my #1 fav, will do ANYTHING for a SEE's ... Godiva's 2nd
~Remember Mountain Bars made by Brown & Haley ... lived off them as a kid, loved getting into that creamy center
~7-UP bar ... 7 different centers filled with yum's, lunch at school every day
~Scary movies NOT on your life! I got thrown out of the car @ a drive-in movie because I got so upset with just seeing the Ten Commandments, so I sat on the speaker cement post the rest of the night, so you can JUST imagine me @ a really scary movie. Shoot! I got Harold upset at a movie because I jumped up in the middle of the movie to tell John Wayne 'They are hiding up in the hills'. Yup, I did!
Enjoy your eve with Miss K! Anxious to see the pics ... Hugs of love & TYs ... Love ya! TTFN ~Marydon
love your post today...have a wonderful halloween filled with one point treats..lol
On Wednesday of this week, I got out my "Love Is" clips and thought about using them on my posts. My husband and I collected them for a very long time when we were first married. I have them in a lovely box in my bedside table and often look at them and think of days gone by. I was thrilled to seem them on this post!
Your lovely Miss K is adorable in her costume. It is hard to believe that this month and nearly this year have passed! Have a wonderful day!
I am still amazed you have all these clippings, and that you have so many! I am not a huge fan of the scary movie either. I like a happy ending and they don't hand out many of those with scary/horror movies.
I hope you have a Happy and not in the least bit scary Halloween!
I used to enjoy those "Love Is" cartoons too. It's sweet that you can dip into your memorabilia and find ones your sweetie gave you.
I liked the one where they say something like, Love is when you look at someone and stars come out your eyes... or something to that effect.
Happy Day!
To Sares: My guy wrote me several times a week for almost two years. Inside at least one letter a week he tucked in a clipping. Some are hysterical...all are sweet. Nakie or NOT! xoRebecca
OH Rebecca; What a lovely post... and the Halloween card is so sweet.. I don't care for those kind of movies either,,, no sireeee... now the very old black and white ones are not to bad they make me laugh.... Have a great weekend, looking forward to seeing some great costume photos..
Sweet and Dear Rebecca...
Ahhhh....what a fella! And, I must say, I sooo agree with you on the scary movie front. I have NEVER seen any of them. Nope....can't do it. Even movies that are considered dramas put me over the top sometimes. I'm with you...give me a romantic comedy any day.
Can't wait to see your adorable Miss K all decked out.
We do have a lot in common, including Weight Watchers, the little goblins are coming to my door as we speak and I can't wait until the candy is all gone. I don't know why I buy the candy I like!!!
Hello dear Rebecca,
This is so cute, Isn't it amazing how our dear sweet children remember these times, I think they enjoy them so much, though back then it probably wasn't funny to them.lol
I am like you I don't now nor ever like scary movies.
I want to thank you so much for coming by yesterday and encouraging me so much, you will never know how much it meant to me.
Enjoy that sweet granddaughter tonight. I will be looking forward to you sharing pictures.
Sounds like you have One Sweet Guy Rebecca !! Hoping you are doing well, haven't talked to you since the whole Debraz thing. What ever happened with all of that ? I got so ill around then and never did find out. I am Loving your beautiful Blog !! And of course all of your handmade pretties are the Best !! Blessings sweet friend !! :)
Hi Rebecca, What a sweet Love is clipping. I can't do the scary movies either. Never could. Give me a girly flick anyday.
Gooey candy, not so much anymore either. LOL! So I pass it out, in hopes I won't be tempted to indulge! Hope you had a special evening and I bet your little Grand daughter looked precious.
We finally are going to have a sunshine week ahead. No more rain for awhile we hope!
Have a great week ahead. I know how busy you are, me too. See you soon.
Love to you sweet friend.
Celestina Marie
Hi Rebecca, Had to comment on the vintage candy..ahhh the Big Hunks or Looks. My favorite. Also Sugar Daddys..my father back in the 50s (Shhh)gave each of us kids a huge super big Sugar Daddy on a big stick. Oh it took me along time to finish it..anyway I am also on WW..the WW latte fudge bars are the best besides Healthy Choice fudge bars,which we get at Costco. they are 1pt. Your Miss K is darling..what good ideas for halloween. Always enjoy your blog. Dont always comment..but Im around...take care sally
I always look forward to reading the stories behind your 'Love is' clippings. They are so sweet and I know they are so special to you.
I bet your grandaughter is going to be adorable in her 50's costume.
Lee Laurie
Rebecca, I hope you do not mind my mentioning your post on my blog tomorrow. I will post it in the morning before I go to work. I left you a comment earlier about your "Love Is" posts. If you do not want it on there, please let me know and I will delete it tomorrow afternoon. I hope you wont mind and maybe others will come to "visit" you.
I love your little clippings.A man that can show his love as well as say it is a keeper.You are a Lucky Girl.
Rebecca I love your "Love Is " clippings! Check out my following post! We share a connection!! LOL!
the face of this love is reminds me of bridgy - the scary movie one!!
Rebecca - If only you were near me - I am changing my rose collection and downsizing it to simplify - I'm selling boxes full of plates, cups & saucers, Victorian large sugars and more. Right up your alley girl! Jennifer
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