The past two days I've been busy in my studio and haven't been on my computer too much. The last three months of the year are my busiest and if I'm not careful can easily overwhelm. Not complaining here...thankful for my life! But, if I don't pay attention to all I'm facing the work I love can control my life instead of it being the other way around...
To help keep my life in balance I spend a little time reading during the early morning hours as it helps me begin my day. Today I stumbled upon something I want to share with you and I'll save my other post for another time...
"By the age of twenty-five, Willem had experienced enough life to know he was made for the ministry... He moved to the coalfields of southern Belgium... Within weeks a mining disaster injured scores of villagers. Willem worked around the clock to nurse the wounded and feed the hungry. He even scraped the slag heaps to give his people fuel. After the rubble was cleared and the dead were buried the tiny church overflowed with people hungry for his simple messages of love...
But, one day his superior came to visit. Willem's (simple, poor) lifestyle (and clothing) shocked him and he was dismissed from the ministry. The young man was devastated. He only wanted to build a church and honor God.
When Willem was denied the ministry he had planned and begun, he was hurt, angry and didn't know where to turn. Then one afternoon he noticed an old miner bending beneath an enormous weight of coal. Caught by the pain and poignancy the moment, Willem reached into his pocket for a piece of paper and began to sketch the weary figure. His attempt was crude, but then he tried again. He didn't know it, the people around him didn't know it, the world didn't know it, but Willem, at that very moment, discovered his true calling... Not the pulpit of a pastor, but the palette of a painter. Not the ministry of words, but of images. The young man the leader would not accept became an artist the world could not resist: Vincent Willem van Gogh."
(Max Lucado/Facing Your Giants)
For the third time this week I believe God has brought this one simple thought to my heart...
"Rebecca...Are you trusting me?"
Consider the sparrow they don’t plant or sow
But they’re fed by the Master who watches them grow...
But they’re fed by the Master who watches them grow...
~from Consider the Lilies (Joe Hemphill)
(Luke 12:6-7 NIV)
Blessings as you press on!
Love to you...

Thank you for sharing this today. I had a restless night of concern for our country and had to remind myself of this scripture and God's promise of never leaving or foresaking us. First thing this morning was Gods words on my heart too..Trust Me. xo
This is a great story Rebecca, and as I recall, Van Gogh sold only one painting in his life time. Or maybe I am wrong; boy his paintings are beautiful. He must have been very disappointed when his ministry plans were ended, but then the painting began.
Thanks for the upifting post.
Love you00
Awe you did again my sweet friend...i have questioned my calling yet again...and like the Lord always does...brings another venture into my life...and tells me to stay on this path. Loved that story....God has so many ways to reveal His beauty..if we only trust him with it!
You have blessed me!
I was just talking about this to my walking buddy. So many people have amazing gifts given to them by the Lord and they never venture out of their comfort zones to glorify Him by living out their gift. I wonder what they'll say when they finally stand before Him?
Love your blog never know what I will learn here..
thank you for such an inspirational message..
I needed to hear this. You always have something wonderful to share, and that's one of the myriad reasons I love you so much, Becky!
Hi there, Great post-thank you for sharing such an encouraging word with us. Hope you are able to accomplish all you need to and also find some down time.
Hugs, Noreen
Hi there, Great post-thank you for sharing such an encouraging word with us. Hope you are able to accomplish all you need to and also find some down time.
Hugs, Noreen
Hi Rebecca, I enjoyed your post :o) We all have something to offer in this world, it may not be what we thought or expected but it was given to us for a reason...God doesn't create failures. Have a beautiful day! Hugs Jennifer
What a magnificent reminder we all need to remember we're loved and taken care of.
That I'm very thankful for.
God bless ya sweetie!!!
Amen, Sister in Christ! That is my goal as well.
Many times when I have set forth to accomplish a task is when I have least expected but have always received the guidance I may be seeking. I don't always lend my ear, heart & mind to Him on High, but when I do, I am never led astray. Thank you for sharing. Tammy
I just took a deep breath after reading this. This is so beautiful. God has a plan for all of us and he knows what our role in this life will be. We just need to listen. He knows the way.
Hugs and much love to you my friend. You will forever make me stop and pause. Sue
Dear Rebecca, love your post! Such a touching story. We really do need to trust.
We did a study in our homegroup on Mark chapter 5 and the scripture that keeps coming to me...which Jesus spoke, "Don't be afraid, just believe". Your post made me think of it again. Thank you, Lord and thank you, sweet Rebecca.
Hugs and love,
What a message! I remember hearing this but not really grasping it, I guess. I know- it is always hard to heed the call, isn't it? To trust fully and we should. God bless you- xo Diana
Oh, thank you so much for this, Rebecca...and I am sure glad you are feeling better!
It's been a trying week here...and I AM pressing on. These words are helpful...thank you!
Sweet message! We just have to be still and hear his voice! Have a blessed day dear Rebecca, HUGS!
You taught me something new again today. I learn so much from you! Van Goh is so interesting.
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