(Loving This Chair)
I'm totally bummed!
Yes I am!
(Loving This House)
I found out yesterday the wood flooring we finally decided on has been back ordered and we may not be available until AFTER Christmas!
(Loving This Material)
To assuage my sorrow :( I ate a half a bag of carmel-pumpkin-flavored popcorn and promptly made myself sick.
(Loving This Color)
I decided I'd rather be ill over gorging indulging on a seasonal sugary treat than over missing planks of wood!
(Exercise Bike here I come!)
(Loving the Hydrangeas)
Anyway...such is life! I'm sure living a bit longer with our dated and well-worn, nineteen year old tile won't kill me.
(Loving Pumpkin Days)
I'm trying to remember my 1970 era home, my sweet La Chaumière de Briarwood with her ripple of romance,is my haven. Regardless of where I am on any given project it will always be the place I am most comfortable. I live, work, rest and play here and I hope to never, ever live anyplace else...
Blessings for a lovely weekend!
Love to you...

The photos of your home are gorgeous and there is a feeling of sweetness in your home.Take easy and enjoy-so blessed!-Denise
Patience is a virtue..... LOL!! You will make it & then the floor will be beautiful!!
I think your tile is beautiful but I know when you have your heart set on something it is disappointing when you cant get it when you want it. Have a great weekend.
How wonderful to feel so connected to a home...to feel it is your place of refuge and rest...and yours is a beauty. I can see YOU in your house.
We have lived in 14 homes since our marriage. Five years being the longest and I always feel slightly disconnected. I know that it will be loved and left....Next home is my own to keep forever (I hope-I think-I pray).
I am sorry about your flooring- I know how disappointing that must be. Well, just think-by Spring you will have a fresh new start with a new floor for a new season! xo Doana
Good morning!! I sure love all of the photos you posted for us on the new-guestroom-work-in-progress!
It all looks beautiful to me...the wreath is lovely and the chair fabric is, too....soon, I hope, you will post an over-all view of the whole room so we can get a better idea of what it looks like "put together"..I know it will
be exquisite..everything you do is!
I also know how disappointed you are that the new flooring you chose
is back-ordered...at least you can know a lot of other people liked it, too, to make it so popular! It is delays like this that are so frustrating...and who knows, it just might come in earlier than the store told you!!!
Your home is gorgeous, what-ever state it is in, Rebecca...you are right to find it your "Safe Haven"
Have a happy, fun weekend..
Hugs, Francy
Love the blue fabric on the chair... of course! Bummer on the wait for your new flooring. I know how we can binge sometimes when we are upset about something. Love the photo of your home. I spy a charming bench with pumpkins on it. Have a great day my dear!
Bummer! Don't you wonder why it should take so long to get the flooring unless they have to completely "make it"! That's maddening, I am sure. I can see why you ate all that popcorn stuff. Your outdoor Fall decor is so pretty! I still haven't had a chance to see about that fabric yet. Hope they have it! Have a wonderful weekend!~Hugs, Patti
That sounds like something that I would do Rebecca. :) The caramel corn....yum. I know how you feel being a little down about your floor not being in til after Christmas. Just think positive...you'll have something to look forward to for the Spring. I'm talking to myself here...lol. We have so much to do here at the cottage. It gets overwhelming at times and of course I want it done...yesterday! lol I'm learning to be patient. Slowly. :)
Have a beautiful day.
Lee Laurie
P.S. Stevie came in while I was leaving you this comment and he smiled about what I said. :) We sat here and drank our morning coffee together and listened to your music. So peaceful.
Oh, sorry to hear about both; the flooring and the sugar o.d..
Oh I know how hard it is to "wait" on things...but it is do~able. Hang in there lovely Rebecca! In the meantime do enjoy your wonderful home with all of it's treasures...and warmth and charm!
You have such a knack for making things beautiful!
Love, Linda
Rebecca you have a lovely home!
Oh I know that must be dissappointing...but if that is really the ONE you want, better you wait for it and not settle.
Have a blessed weekend!!
Sorry your wood floor has been delayed but I know your home is so gorgeous NOBODY will even notice it hasn't been installed:) Have a blessed weekend, HUGS!
Hey Sweetie!
I FEEL your pain. We HAVE to replace our patio door, its rotting...only solace is I get to put in a French door I always wanted when we had the house built, was talked out of it by the sales guys (bad sales guy, lol). But...*yes* there's a but...I would rather put that money towards granite...I have wanted granite for 10 years now and have watched so many around me do what I had wanted, alsmost got it then hubby lost his job..but I must wait for it for some reason. URGH...at least hub's is on board and eventually, as money permits we will tackle that and so much more!
Your home is always such a dream...calming and inviting...so no one will even notice the floors not being wood and then when you get them, well it will be even better!
Be blessed friend!
I am playing catch up..
Love the blue and white bedroom...Very pretty!!
Sorry that you will not be getting your new flooring before Christmas. I know that that is a disappointment for you but it will be coming and eventually, you will be able to enjoy it!!
Love the look of your home!!
Dearest Rebecca,
Well, you sure will make it past Christmas without the wooden floor! There are worse things in life.
I'm facing now my 3rd week of not having access to my business email nor website. Talking about Christmas (sales...) that is bad and beyond me as someone else made a huge mistake. My webmaster is trying his best to get it back up for me. Well, so is life and I LOST weight over it... no over indulging.
Love to you,
Dearest Rebecca,
Just found my email back working and the website is up again! Miracles exist...
Love to you,
There is always something to be done around a home isn't there? I'm yearning for new ceiling fans because our old ones are outdated. I also would like new carpet in our bedrooms, etc. etc. My list is long! Why is waiting for something so hard?
Rebecca I am so sorry about your flooring that is so bad ..... could have shared the popcorn tho :) . Love that fabric on that chair and did I tell you this week that I love to visit your blog, always so pretty and love the music :)
Your home is so beautiful...... I know its hard to wait for the perfect floor, but it will be worth it in the end.
Glad you've recovered and feeling better!
Oh my goodness...your kitchen is absolutely beautiful, Rebecca! I can't even imagine how much more wonderful it will look with wood floors!! :)
xoxo laurie
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