(Previously Sold)
Back in 2006 when Erika Kotite was the Editor of Romantic Homes Magazine I had the privilege of having some of my work showcased in their September issue.
"Hello Gorgeous"
Seems like forever ago now, but I will always remember the excitement and joy that came with that initial contact! If I'm being honest with you because of that article my business grew by leaps and bounds. I'll always be grateful to RHM and to the women who contacted them in my behalf. Nothing quite compares to the feeling you get when you see your work validated in print...
Since that time (and before the article, too!) I've refurbished and made-over more vintage train cases than I can tell you. I've been blessed to ship them all over the world...France, Italy, Singapore, England and even Japan.
(Previously Sold)
Mostly though they stay at home here in America. The Cases have been fashioned with many different fabrics although most of the buyers choose something in pink...
(Previously Sold)
Instead of offering up several giveaways during the last half of the year, after much thought I've decided to do only one!
(Previously Sold)
In December some 'lucky' (for lack of a better word) blogger is going to win a vintage
"Gathering Case"TM
from A Gathering Place!!!
This will be my only GIVEAWAY until next year. There are several ways to enter so I hope you'll toss your name into the hat! Somebody is going to WIN!
Here's what you can do to enter the drawing!!
1. Entry Chance #1: If you have a blog please blog about this giveaway in a separate post and include a LINK back to this post. Please include the Picture of the Case at the top (click to open then right click to copy).
2. Entry Chance #2: Please place the Train Case Picture somewhere near the top of your blog/sidebar and include a LINK back to this post as well! Not just my blog but this specific post!
3. Entry Chance #3: If you are a member of Facebook please visit my A GATHERING PLACE Page (A Gathering Place) and LIKE ME (if you haven't already). :) :) :)
4. Entry Chance #4: Please leave a comment ON THIS POST telling me why you'd like to win the Case and what you will do with the Case should you win it (gift it, keep it, etc.). Please include your NAME (first and last) in your comment.
5. If you do not have a blog then you can do this: Visit your favorite blogs (a minimum of 10) and leave a comment telling them about this giveaway and include my blog link TO THIS POST, please.
6. You don't have to follow my bloggie to be entered but if you do you'll automatically be entered into the drawing!
Additionally, YOU MUST LET ME KNOW in your comment (on THIS POST) if you've done any or all the above.
Many people ask why giveaways are done and for me the answer is simple. Advertising is MEGA EXPENSIVE and there is nothing better than getting direct internet exposure by hosting giveaways for FREE STUFF. The more something is talked about and linked to the more business I get! It's as easy as that!
The Train Case/Gathering Case GIVEAWAY begins today, Saturday, October 15th, and will end Sunday, December 11, 2011, at midnight. The Case will be fashioned to my own liking, but I will personalize the bottom if desired. Winner will be announced by Wednesday, December 14th, 2011.
(For Legal Purposes: No Cash Value, No Implied Warranty, No Purchase Necessary)
If you have any questions or comments you can email me using my contact button at the top!
Blessings to each of you as we move toward the Holidays. I'm feeling the JOY coming on...
Love to you...

1 – 200 of 288 Newer› Newest»Oh my...must get busy on this one!!!
These are sooo LOVELY!!!
Thank you sooo much for the opportunity!!
Good morning Rebecca
I just stopped in to tell see what you are up too.. I see you are very busy creating as usual. What a wonderful giveaway! Your so very talented! Have a great weekend..
So beautiful....I would love to give the prettest little case a loving home......For all my over night things.....I would love it for ever........Big hugs........
Im going to do a post on my blog right now........Lisa Demars from Canada......Big hugs......
P.S. I forgot to type this in my other comment heheheeheh
Dear Sweet Rebecca,
How generous !!!
Please enter my name in your drawing. I am currently a follower of yours and also have liked your Facebook page. I have been dreaming about having one of your lovely cases . I have kept all my greeting cards that I have received for the past 40 years, from family and friends. The ones handmade from my children when they were little and the ones from my grandchildren are the most precious to me. I currently keep all my sentimental keepsakes in and old picnik basket, kinda beat up and falling appart. If I am fortunate enough to win your beautiful case it would be the new home for all my little treasures. ;0)
Hugz, Carol
Oh Rebecca....you have been busy making your gorgeous works of art......you're amazing!
Not sure how to do the side bar 'thingys' on my I Pad, but I did 'like' you on Face Book. If I were to win, I'd want to give the beautiful gift to my daughter, but ....I'd also want to keep it for myself as a remembrance of you and enjoy the beauty of the case.
Oh my gosh. My mom had a whole set of white Lady Baltimore luggage and sadly, my brother disposed of it.....not sure how or where. This would be so treasured!
Hi Rebecca
I think it is admirable that you take these old train cases and give them new life. They end up being more beautiful, and feminine than when new.
I could picture this one once it's had your magic touch at my home with vintage linens on display in it.
this is so beautiful Rebecca, how lovely of you to give one away. I would love to gift this to my daughter...you know how our daughters carry our hearts wit them and just how deeply we are in love with them. Wouldn't that be perfect!
I'll have to get busy with all the ways to enter! Here's one...a comment. My fingers will be crossed for a long time.♥♫
Oh how lovely and I am doing #4 in your list...I would love to gift this beauty to my sister...it is always special to get a wonderful piece of art...
Oh my sweet friend, this is a FABULOUS and VERY generous Giveaway you are having!! I already own one of your beautiful train cases, and it contains very personal and treasured items of my parents, who have both passed away much too soon ~ should I be so fortunate as to win this one, it will hold special momentos of my first Grandson, and future grandchildren that I will someday have.
Warmest hugs, Brenda
I have your giveaway pic on my left sidebar, and it is linked right back to this post ~ and as you already know, I am one of your followers.
You never cease to amaze me, truly. I have done all you require & now I will do the last step. I would LOVE to win your case as I have admired them since the very first one I ever saw on ebay. Though I believe they are worth every single penny you charge and more, I find it very difficult to spend such money on myself when it could be used in so many other areas of our home, family and life in general.
I would keep it but in the long run, it would be for my children upon my earthly death. I would place items my husband & I find important, verses & quotes of meaning, pictures of family etc inside. The case would then go into our cedar hope chest when filled. Much like the movie Bridges of Madison County, I would leave them end of earth life letters with all the things that might be unsaid or the hopes & dreams I would want them to chase. As you know, I lost my mother at the tender age of 8. I have vicariously been privlaged to live through the relationship you have with your parents through your post. This has touched me in more ways than you could ever possibly know. The only possession I have of my mother is a picture she wrote on the back of, a letter written to my g'ma that was then sent to me & a locket of her on one side and g'ma and g'pa on the other. I want to leave more for my children so they will never have to wonder who we are or what our thoughts and dreams were. It would not only be a gift from you but also a gift to my children. I would also include the story of the case in the case for them so they may know the kindness of strangers long after the act of giving was done.
Wow, of course I would have to be right after Tammy! I would probably use it in my sewing room and my son will sell it at my estate sale! LOL
Hello Rebecca, I picked the perfect day to stop by and visit you!
If I won one of your gorgeous train cases; I would use it to keep special momentos in and display it to enjoy.
I posted the picture and link on my sidebar of my blog.
I also will blog about the giveaway in a future post, and will let you know when I do so.
I'm a follower. I'm a FB liker.
I'm a believer... yeah, yeah.... ooops, got carried away! LOL!
Thank you for the opportunity.
Goodmorning Rebecca!This is such a lovely giveaway,so beautiful.How kind you are your things are so pretty and elegant.Please count me in for this.
I would love to win this for lots of reasons.One would be since I have 2 girls I love to cherish it and then pass it on to my oldest daughter she would love it.I would keep special things like journals and letters in mine.I think that would be a lovely place for post cards and such from far away.
Blessings for a lovely sunday!
What a generous giveaway from the heart. I would treasure it forever and in it I would keep vintage fabric pieces that I have collected that are too precious to use but lovely to look at.
Oh goodness, I missed one step. My Tammy@TheStitchingCoop post is done by me, Tammy Woodcock. Sorry R for missing the first last name. Hugs. Tammy
Oh, I would dearly love to win this as that article in Romantic Homes is what inspired me to learn how to paint! They are so lovely and you are so talented!
Everything is up. http://duchessofcoloradosprings.blogspot.com/2011/10/rebecca-is-having-giveaway.html
I do not have a Facebook accnt but that's ok I'm going with what I've done so far.
Rebecca it would be so wonderful to win anything that your artistic hands have made, but I especially love the beautiful cases you've shared and hope I win!! I have some lovely pieces of lace that could use a special place for their home. I am a follower!
Doni Hall
Rebecca, Some one will be the blessed receiver of this beautiful gift that you decorated. Hope it's me! I follow you and love your blog.
God bless,
Oh I would love to win this beauty! Everything you touch turns to beauty:) Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!
Oh boy! I already LIKE you on facebook! thanks for this chance Rebecca!♥
I would love to win one of your cases because they are vintage AND made beautiful by you! If I won, I would probably keep frilly girly things in it. :)
Hello Rebecca,
it seems like a long time has passed since we last visited. I am happy to see you are doing well and having the give a way of all give a ways. What a very beautiful and heartfelt gift to gift to someone very special.
Your talent is just incredible. I think your cases are treasures from the heart.
I look forward to seeing the very lucky recipent of such a blessed gift,
I just did a post about your Train Case Giveaway, and it's linked right back to here ~ I am sooooooo keeping my fingers crossed!!!
Hi Rebecca,
I wish to be entered in your giveaway!! The train case is very beautiful and I must say I would love for myself!!! This christmas is going to be very tight this year especially with 5 little kiddos. This would make a great gift for me!!!
I liked you on facebook too!!!
Thank you,
Jenn@ whinenroses
Please sign me up! I love your blog.
The cases are beautiful....
I would use it in my soon to be new guest room which I am planning a 'white room' with just a little splash of color.
You are an inspiration. Love the story about the money to move to TX. God is so good! :)
~'Gathering' in one of my FAVORITE words!
at nonniesblessings.blogspot.com
What a lovely case and such a wonderful prize! I would love to have it!
I would use it in my near future 'white guest room'. Perfect!
Thank you for such a beautiful blog and such inspirational words. I so loved the story about you and your family moving to TX. God is so good :)
teresa at
I clicked to fast! I just left a message without checking the "email follow-up comments to"
So, I will do it now.....
teresa at
Hello Rebecca,
What a generous and gorgeous giveaway! Love your vintage train cases and your lovely work. I am curretly a happy follower of yours, and if I won, I would use it to keep my special love letters that I have kept inside an old handbag.
Hello Rebecca,
I posted the vintage train case picture and link on my blog's sidebar.
Have a lovely week!
Hi Rebecca, just found your site from one of your followers. How lovely of you to give such a beautiful gift away. It would be a holder for my own wedding memories. I have the shoes, cake top, invitations etc and they need a pretty home.
I have become a follower; not because I had to, but because I wanted to keep up to date with your lovely work.
Kind Regards
Rebecca, you are a very generous blogger. Someone will be extremely happy to receive one of your beautiful works of art. Vintage train cases have been a favorite of mine since I first saw my mom's which I still have. I haven't had the nerve to paint it yet but - soon.
What a beautiful and very generous giveaway! If I won, I would definitely keep it and display it in my home. There are so many uses for such a beautiful piece. I am already a follower and I will get busy with the other chances to win. Your train cases are the prettiest I have seen. You do such beautiful work.
Mary Rice
Rebecca, Thanks for having such a great giveaway. I have always wanted one of these. I have bought from you and love everyone of my purchases..this case will go into my guestroom with vintage items in it.
I have no way to contact you my friend! No Name, No Email Address. Your blog is a No-Reply-Blogger! Please, if you see this message please included your full name and a way to contact you should you win the Case!
Thank you~Rebecca
This is quite the giveaway Sweet Rebecca! My mom made me a Cinderella train case when I was in Jr. High and I still have it, but oh how I would love a more grown up one now! I can't wait to see how you transform it-it will be absolutely beautiful!
How lovely is that train case. I would love to win it and would treasure it for always. I am also a follower. As soon as I get through a few pre-planned blog posts, I will blog about it and will let you know when I do. Thank you!!!
Sooo pretty! You do a fantastic job! Pick me! I'd love to win!! ;)
Wow, I would love to have a train case! I just liked you on Facebook. Mmmm what would I do with it - I should gift it to my sister whose entire apartment is shabby pink cottage, but I probably wouldn't be able to. I would probably display it in my guest room after blabbing about it all over my blog. I have that issue of RHM. Beautiful! Love, Linda
P.S. my daddy was a preacher too.
How nice! I came across your blog not too long ago. Would love to win this! I know exactly what I would do with it.
I posted about this on my blog. I forgot to say that I am Cheryl May from Cheryl's Place and Cheryl's Christmas Chattel's.
Hi Rebecca
I have posted your beautiful Gathering Case Giveaway in the sidebar of my blog - I am hoping to win it for my darling daughter - Who is just as lovely as the roses you have adorned it with !!!
I am a follower - Always a Pleasure to be here -Enjoyed the visit ;)
Brenda Griffith here signing up for the chances to win this amazing vintage piece.
I am going to be doing all of the above as soon as I get this post completed.
I would keep this for myself I have lots of vintage lace and a couple of items that belonged to family members that are special. I would display them in it and place it in my bedroom to bring a smile to my face.
Thank you
I' visiting via the rusty thimble, and you are so right , these give aways seem to really catch ones eye.I'm glad I found you though because you do have a beautiful blog and are very talented.I think I'm your newest follower.Thats a beautiful case,, please enter me, I no longer have facebook ( I got hacked! ) I'm a new blogger and I'm still unccertain how to put the advert on my blog.
Dear Rebecca,
I was away on the weekend and just found out about your beautiful Giveaway. Oh yes, I want to win it. I am fascinated with train cases because you see, when I was a little girl, my family moved to another province and every other weekend, holiday, and summertime, we would head 'home' to visit my grandparents. It was always great fun to ride the train in those days, pressing my nose against the window to watch the scenery whiz by. The biggest delight of course was pulling into the train station and Granny and Grampy would be there waiting for us. I had my own little train case which always held a present from my grandparents to take back home with me. I miss those days and them! So, you see, a train case painted by you would be a delightful reminder of those precious years from my childhood. I am a Follower and have been for a long time. Thank you for giving me a chance to win this exquisite case. Have a lovely day, my friend.
Blessings and hugs,
Rebecca, I have placed your Giveaway button on my sidebar with the link back to this post.
I have a tea party going on at the moment so I will blog about this Giveaway shortly. Thanks again for a chance to win.
Sandi Watts
Just found your blog & am now one of your newest followers!!
Vintage suitcases have a special place in my heart and yours looks to be EXTRA special!!
If I win, I will keep it for my own and, eventually, pass it on to my grandbaby, Emily Grace.
Thanks for the opportunity!
Oh, Rebecca! I hardly ever sign up for giveaways but I am signing up for this one. I have ADORED those cases since I first saw one on your blog. It is beautiful. If I do a post about it on my blog do I come back and leave a separate comment for that? I haven't done this before...so bear with me. Love this girlie...I am so proud of you and your work! xo Diana
Oh you are such a talented and sweet dear to offer such a prize.
I would display it carefully, with prized treasures in it, perhaps my favorite cards and letters written by relatives and friends.
I am a longtime follower.
Terra Hangen
Oh this is so pretty!! I can't believe that you are giving such a lovely item away!! (what a blessing you are!!)
1. I've blogged about your giveaway on my blog.
2. I've put this giveaway on my sidebar
3.I do follow you on FB
4.If I win (I hope..I hope) I will be giving it away to my granddaughter for Christmas!
xoxo Gert
Ok Rebecca rule #1 is done, I have posted about your great giveaway :)
OK sweetie rule #2 is done, yeahhh I'm having so much fun....taheehee!!
Ok back again rule #3 is now done :)
Hi Rebecca~I love your train case I have one all my own, but if my dear cousin Cindy were ever to wake from her deep coma, she would be the only person who I would gift it over too, Just writing this is making me cry, but i think and hope she would love it for ever :) just as much as I love mine :) Thanks so much for a chance of winning one of your beauties :)
Hi sweetie, I'm a follower of your blog also :) yeahhhh I'm done :)
I am so in love with your train case. If I win I'm definitely keeping it. Might even lug it along when I sell my bags at craft markets and use it for display and make everyone jealous.
Hi Im number 1343 and i would use the little trunk as a crochet habitat my name is sherri mclaughlin
Hi Rebecca!
I LOVE your train cases!!! And I would HAVE to keep it for myself! I have the little "girl" pillow that I won from you years ago proudly displayed on the bed of my oldest "sweetie girl" and I know what great work you do.
I have just posted a new post on my blog about your giveaway and have it linked to you!
I have your "button" on my sidebar under "giveaways" linked to you.
I "liked" you on Facebook... what's not to like??
I'm a follower of your of course.
I think I did it all... PLEASE enter me in this fab giveaway... I would treasure one of your train cases and display it proudly in my guestroom for all my guests to enjoy. I also think it would be adorable in my foyer on my oval writing desk to hold Christmas cards, Valentines, Vintage linens, seasonal pretties, etc etc etc!
Big hugs, Sherry
Rebecca, Love the wonderful traincase...I have been a follower of yours for a good while now. Have a place in my fufu room that it would go perfectly..vera
Hi lovely lady.
Rebecca it would be so great to win anything that your artistic have made. I love the gorgeous cases. It would look great in my Vintage bedroom next to my bed. Thanks so much for your lovely giveaway I hope I win.
XXOO Diane
Hi lovely lady.
I'am putting your button on my sidebar.with your give-a-way.
xxoo Diane
So impressed with your train cases. They are beautiful. They would make packing a pleasure.
Omigosh, I don't think I've ever seen anything more delightful than your train cases, they're gorgeous!! I've added your giveaway button to my sidebar, I clicked on "like" on Facebook and I'm trying to follow you on here but it keeps saying to try again later. So I will:-) Thank you so much for this opportunity to win this beautiful train case!! xo
Ok, first things first - why would I like to win this case? Because it is truly exquisite and covered in the most beautiful roses, which makes it so perfect for our cottage in France. The cottage is called La Croix Rosion, The Rose Cross in old French, and the pink guest bedroom is very much rose themed. Fingers crossed.
Liz Waring
I have put the button and a link back to this post on my sidebar! Thanks for the chance of winning this beautiful case.
Your blog is beautiful and I'd love to win the travel case to put vintage lace and buttons in.
I have become a follower and liked you on FB.
Dear Rebecca,
Congratulations on being a published artist. Your work is just beautiful.
I am following your blog (#6)and I would appreciate being entered in your
giveaway for the gorgeous vintage
train case. I have done the following:
1. I have done an actual post about your giveaway with the photo and a link back to this post.
2.I have posted your giveaway to my blog sidebar with a link back to this post.
#4. If I were to win the train case I hope to give it to my baby grand- daughter filled with baby clothes
and my vintage childhood Raggedy Ann,
pink rabbit that plays a lullaby and
moves her head, and a new Teddy bear
made by me.
Warmest Regards,
I still have that magazine and I tried my hand in making a few boxes.
It is so nice to find the lady who makes these wonderful cases.
Dear Rebecca,
What a beautiful and generous giveaway!!
If I win this beautiful train case I would keep it to store all my precious keepsakes in.
I'm a loyal and long time follower!
I liked you on FB.
I have your beautiful giveaway posted on my sidebar.
Oh Rebecca, This is purely amazing!!! When Ralph's surgery is over, I will post about it!!
Hi Rebecca,
I just linked this up at the Shabby Chic Girls' Club!
Dearest Rebecca,
I'm a long time follower too and of course would love to win this for giving it to a dear friend as I do have one myself.
Love to you,
Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder
Dearest Rebecca,
I'm a long time follower too and of course would love to win this for giving it to a dear friend as I do have one myself.
Love to you,
Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder
Dearest Rebecca,
I'm a long time follower too and of course would love to win this for giving it to a dear friend as I do have one myself.
Love to you,
Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder
Dearest Rebecca,
Forgot to mention in my first comment that I did put the picture at the top of my sidebar with a link back to this very post.
I also did blog about it and I liked you before on your FB Page.
Love to you,
Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder
What a lovely and generous giveaway you are hosting!!! I fell in love with a similar one - when Mariette posted on her blog about the way you created for her.
To be the winner of such a marvellous work of art would be an honour... I would use this little beauty to hold my stationary, cards and some writing items I use to write hand written letters to family, friends and people who need a little smile in their day.
I have placed your giveaway on my right side bar of my blog with a link back to your giveaway post..
Blessings, xo HHL
Falling Off A High Heeled Life
This is absolutely beautiful! Also, such soothing music.... My daughters birthday is 14th December, the date of the draw! (Too much of a coincidence to pass up). I know how much she would love this case.
with love from Anne Campbellxx
I just did a post about your Train Case Giveaway
I add your pic to my sidebar)
I "liked" your page at FB
I would love to win one of your cases because they are...soooo beautiful)) Thank you, Rebecca
Re my earlier comment,just letting you know I am now a follower of this 'gathering place', thank you,love from Anne C. xx
Forgot to say in my earlier comment, I have joined up to be a follower of this beautiful blog,love from Anne c.xx
Rebecca ... I am a relatively new reader of you blog and enjoy it so much. When I saw your train case, it took my breath away. A few days earlier, I had been cleaning out a storage unit and my eyes fell on my "Mama's" old train case. It looked a lot like yours, only "Samsonite beige" and tired. Please consider this my request to be considered in your giveaway. Thanks! Patty A.
Rebecca, I have your picture on my blog side bar at www.gracefulrose.blogspot.com. Hope I win your beautiful train case.
Rebecca, I went and "liked" you on Facebook. Consider this another entry to win your beautiful train case.
Rebecca, my name is Janet Greer and I am the artist behind Graceful Rose. If I were to win your beautiful train case, I would keep it for myself. It would be so pretty as I am fixing up my new art studio and would use it for my tags, note cards and other paper items that I offer on my website.
Rebecca, I am already a follower and would love to win your gorgeous train case. Thank you so much.
I liked you on FB
I would keep the beautiful piece of art for myself! I would use it as a showpiece.. Its THAT beautiful! Its so different & unique and Im in love with it! I would be honored to win this giveaway & own this piece og gorgeousness!
Thanks for an awesome giveaway!!!
I follow your blog
Robin Quick
mnrquick at yahoo dot com
I have just found your blog through a link on another page. And just signed up to be a follower. I am remodeling one of my rooms to be an old fashioned victorian room and this train case would be such a perfect addition. Thanks for the chance to win it.
Hola, Rebecca. Gracias por organizar este sorteo, me hace mucha ilusión poder participar.
Tienes un blog encantador, me gusta tu estilo y el color rosa que utilizas.
Hasta pronto.
Te dejo mi blog, por sí quieres visitarlo.
I am your newest Follower
If I were ever to be so lucky to win, then after I have swooned (in a ladylike fashion!) I would definitely wish to keep this.
I am a crafter and have been on the look out for an adorable case to store a selection of craft supplies.
I am a lover of old faded romance, pink and vintage so you have no idea how much I would wish to be the proud owner.
Lynne (Moncrieff)
my Blog is Adorn @
stampdiva will take you possibly to The Stampsmith but that is not my blog, it is only where I display my design team work along with other DT members
Returning to say that I have now added the button to my Blog, Adorn's sidebar.
Lynne (Moncrieff)
Adorn @
Hi Rebecca,
I am so super excited about your giveaway! I did do a blog post about it on my blog. I saw your cases a few years back and really wanted one. I even tried to make one. HA HA what a joke. I don't know how you redo the interior of the case so beautifully but I do know it can not be easy as I tried it! It was not a sucess. If I when the train case I will use it as a display piece, and one day when my daughter marries, I may give it to her for her wedding night. Blessings to you,
Amy Jo
ciao sono già una tua fan, il tuo blog è strepitoso, unico e non ho trovato niente di simile in giro. Ho colto l'occasione così per dirtelo. Partecipo volentieri, e ti linko subito, ciao sei super super!!!!
Hello willingly participate in this wonderful giveaway .... I can not just copy the text to be translated into Italian in order to understand the rules for now I leave you a comment and I'll post the link in my blog if I do .... Hello Francesca else let me know
ianny.f @ tiscali.it
Hello, I participate willingly ....... I like your work so much ..... the trash that you put on offer is amazing ....... we would look good in my sewing room ..... ..... congratulations!
I put the link in my blog ............ are your new registered !!!!!
Hello, Erika.
I would love to win this and give it as a gift to one of my daughters..I don't know which one yet!
I liked A Gathering Place on Facebook.
Che bello questo giveway!! Complimenti...ho postato sul mio profilo di FB
Ecco qui:
I like you on FB!
This is the most beautiful give away that I have ever seen! I would keep it and display items in it at my craft sells so that everyone could enjoy it as much as I will! Thank you for the chance to win this! Karen Jones
I am a member of your site!
Dear Rebecca,
I write from Italy and I want to congratulate you for your wonderful blog and for the Giveaway. I would love to win to put it in my craft room I am setting up.
I'll be waiting in my blog, see you soon
Wow, i'm enchanted!!! This case is simply a dream!!! I'd like to participate.
I have just become your follower and i have just made a post on my blog linking at your post.
Godd luck to everybody!!!
Maria from Italy
This is a wobderful giveaway! I'd like to joyn it. I did almosta every entry chance. I made a post on my blog, i also liked you page on facebook here http://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Gathering-Place/198613786841157?sk=wall
and here
If i won this case, of course i selfishly would keep it :O) It's impossible to me to let go such as masterpiece
Maria from Italy
Dearest Rebecca, I want to win your case because it takes me back in time in a dimension where I wanted to be. that's why I'll keep it and cherish in it things more special for me.
My name is Claudia Giorgini, I live in Rome-Italy and I really like to create things from nothing unique to me, for my family and my friends.
your giveaway is fantastic. My blog is www.fiore-crea.blogspot.com
your giveaway is fantastic. My blog is www.fiore-crea.blogspot.com
I like you on fb.
I would keep this for myself to keep things my grandson makes for me
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
Would love to win, i would keep it by me in the living room to keep all the things, i think i have to have at hand...hehe
It is turly beautiful
thank you for the chance
Would love to win, i would keep it by me in the living room to keep all the things, i think i have to have at hand...hehe
It is turly beautiful
thank you for the chance
Hello Rebecca. I just became a follower and I would LOVE to win the beautiful train case. Your work is exquisite. I love lace and vintage and pink, etc.! Seeing the lovely cases reminded me of the ones my older sisters had when I was a little girl. Gosh it brought back memories. The aroma of them even entered my mind....thank you for the chance to win!
It is dream!!! A remarkable gift! The reference is at the left by date http://magicstitches.blogspot.com/
Lovely giveaway!
I like you on fb.
I would use this as decoration in my bedroom
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
Hi Rebecca,
What an amazing giveaway! I follow your blog, like your facebook page and just blogged about it! The train case would be a beautiful addition to my craft studio, I would store my vintage millinery flowers in it. Thank you for the chance to win.
what a truly amazing giveaway, it is so beautiful, I would love to win, and will cherish the case forever, and will pass it to my Daughter hoping she will continue the tradition
I am follower, posted on my blog and liked your facebook page
thanks for the chance to enter the draw
Lisa Brown
ma è stupendo. Invidio la tua abilità. Ho cliccato "mi piace" sulla tua pagina di Facebook (mi trovi come Licia Alpigiani) e metto il link nel mio blog http://blog.giallozafferano.it/magiadellepietre/
Posso invitarti al mio giveaway in corso?
Ciao e spero di trovaarti nel mio blog
Oh my it is amazing! An absolutely stunning box and give it away??? Never! I would fill it with all my stitching goodies and take it with me on trips - ha not that they are very frequent these days but still one could dream! It is gorgeous and I would love to win it. x
What a beautiful give away! Please enter my name. Your blog is so gorgeous and sweet!
che meraviglia!!!!!
blog splendido
un caro saluto
So pretty, I saw the initial article also and fell in love with it. I did one but did not do a good job on the inside, so would be so excitied to win!! That way I would have a beautiful place to put my heritage baby clothes. Di@cottage-wishes
I am now a new follower!! Thank you for this great chance. Di@ http:cottage-wishes.blogspot.com
I have added to my side bar!! Yea, I figured it out...http:cottage-wishes.blogspot.com
Thanks again for this opportunity.
Goo morning rebecca I'm a italian bloggers and I think your giveaway it's wonderful I hope I can Win it. Excuse for my English but I've study your language a lot of years ago . My blog ishttp://iricamidivaleria.blogspot.com/.
my agrees Valeriaricami@gmail.com
Bye bye Valeria
Rebecca your train case is just the prettiest! I remember when I got my first one when I was 13. My parents let me get it with trading stamps! I used to keep my hair rollers in it! Wow...that's going back a few years! I dont know whatever happened to it. Alot of stuff from my childhood disappeared when I was away from home. Your creation is so unique and so feminine! Please enter me in your giveaway and you already know I am a follower. ~Hugs, Patti
This is so beautiful. I would love to win it. I would keep it and put special things in it from my next babys birth due dec. 19th. Thanks, Shannon Atkins, mamatkins@hotmail.com
I follow your blog! Thanks, mamatkins@hotmail.com
As one who tries very hard to NEVER wish away time I find sitting on my hands waiting for this drawing to be almost utterly unbearable. UNBEARABLE I tell you. Surely I must be up to at least 6 or 7 possibly draws don't you think? :) One way or another, you simply must pick my name. I am such an admirer of what you to these cases. Otherwise, I must take the slow road and save my pennies. One day I tell you, ONE DAY I hope to own one of these beautiful cases. Huggers. Tammy
It is beauty! I just want that such beauty was mine :)))))))) Ally.
What a beautiful case!! I just discovered your blog today and I am smitten. <3
Annoymous Commenter/Sylvia Faye
Honey I tried to leave a comment twice but it did not work...my computer skills are what one would call 'continually learning' and just quietly moving up my skills and when it comes to comment boxes some work for me and some don't.....this one don't work pour moi!
You are among my favorites and your giveaway tugged at my heart strings as I am a true Romantic at heart... still as a great-grandmother.
My parents gave me luggage for graduation. Gifts were few and far between and luggage was tres expensive but they knew I would be thrilled and it came with me when I was married a few years later. We, my dear one and I, celebrated 59 years of marriage in September.
The old luggage will always be sought out as it speaks to those who love 'tradition'. As a winner I would treasure it as you put so much love and attention into it and later it would go to a dear granddaughter...not sure which one at the moment but will know when God whispers the name into my ear.
With gratitude,
Sylvia Faye
I'm new to blogging but have posted as best I can your info about the give away. www.stitchesonmyneedle.blogspot.com
I would love to have this beautiful piece and it would inspire me to look at the several my Mom left me in a whole new way. What a great way to begin to redo to give to my granddaughters.
Ok I love your facebook page and I did like. My previous comment listed by blog page and that I put your info on this giveaway there. Thanks...Mary D
The second I saw your hand-painted train case, my heart skipped a beat. I could actually smell this old travel case inside and out! Just the fact that you stirred memories from the past that I completely forgot about has given me reason to pause. Do you ever have those moments when you see an object and scenes from your life come flooding back to you? I remember being about 5 years old and visiting an old friend of my mom’s who had a hair salon in her house. When my mom went to see Gerda to get her hair done, I guess (being 5 yrs old) I would have to be entertained. Looking back, I remember Gerda had a travel case that she must have kept empty for my visits. They would let me play with the suitcase while Gerda did my mom’s hair. I would imagine myself taking a trip to who knows where, packing my makeup and toiletries in my carry-on. I distinctly remember pulling on the little pouches that were inside the lining, thinking to myself what treasures I would put in them. As I let the pouches snap back into place, I got a whif of Gerda's perfume and makeup smell. The most fascinating this is, is that I can still remember the smell of that suitcase some 50 years later, especially when I saw your picture! I have been trying to decide on how to decorate my guest room and I’ve been thinking about shabby chic, but I’m not sure exactly how to attain that feeling. Well, your travel case has given me the “feeling” and would be the stepping stone I need for inspiration!! I JUST LOVE IT!!
I don’t have a blog, but I’m on facebook and I have “liked” a “Gathering Place”, I am also leaving this as a comment on your blog (if I'm able to), and I have left a comment on my top 10 favorite blogs about you!! I would so love to have this travel case as something I could pass onto my (now two year old) grandaughter, along with my story!! If I’m not your winner, at least I have some inspiration!
Thank you so much for your beautiful work!! :-)
Salve sono Monica.Mi sono imbattuta nel tuo meraviglioso blog e devo dire di esserne rimasta incatata.E tutto così romanticamente delizioso.......Il dono che farai alla fortunata è qualcosa che si deve assolutamente tenere e mettere in bella mostra in un angolino della propria casa.Devo dire che mi piacerebbe mplto!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ti faccio i miei complimenti e ti metto subito nell'elenco dei miei preferiti.A presto, un bacio.Monica di Shabby Magia
la mia mail è bombonierecreative@hotmail.com
On one hand I think it silly we all clammer after a piece of something but then on the other I think, how beautiful. No matter how you look at this giveaway it's from CHRIST & that is why I WANT IT!! LOL... alll kidding aside, I know it to be a gift by way of your hand from Christ. He has blessed you with an instrument many of us would behold to have. Your creative mind. I have some but you, you touch a thing & it comes to life. How blessed you are and to share such beauty with us all... amazing...
Now, just between you and I, I have purchased a little note book from you that will hold my favorite scriptures and quotes for my g'daughter. I will tuck in this case WHEN you send it to me. hehe... I want her to know that no matter how ugly the world can be and no matter how sad my story, her granny, I always tried to surround myself with pretty things, beautiful people & life long friends.
I just wanted throw another piece of paper in the drawing but thought better of it to write you a little note. Hugs. tammy
Hello lovely! I blogged about the give away today! ♥
I just put the give away in my side bar. ♥
You create such gorgeous pieces of art!! I have blogged about your giveaway, linked your picture from my sidebar, and liked A Gathering Place on Facebook! Also, I follow your blog through my google reader. I'd love to win this vintage train case to learn how to create something new... I don't use fabrics too much, but I definitely see myself doing something with them to alter this case!
I just found your blog through another blog (Rose Chintz Cottage) and I am in love!! I am a new follower thru Google,
Hi! I love your blog and follow you on Facebook as well. If I win I'll put it in my Scraproom which are the same colors as your creation with pictures from my family. Thanks for the opportunity to enter this lovely giveaway. Oh, if I win it it will be the most beautiful Birthday present. (my birthday is December 19)
Best regards,
I am a follower & I would love to win that beautiful case !
I just posted on my blog about your gorgeous giveaway.
I am in love and this beautiful suitcase would look perfect in my sewing/craft room, which is decorated in sage with touches of cream and pink. I would use it to display vintage sewing items.
Rebecca, I'm so happy I found your beautiful blog!
I have posted this giveaway on my blog, become a blog follower and "liked" you on Facebook.
The beautiful vintage train case would be an incredibly wonderful gift for my daughter's birthday. I would fill it with a vintage apron, handwritten recipe cards, handmade lavendar soap, and the book One Thousand Gifts. She would be thrilled.
Thanks for the opportunity~
Kathy Stephens
So glad I found your beautiful blog! I'm new at this, but i wrote a post and managed to put a link on my blogsite for your giveaway!
Thanks, Pam
beautiful work on the cases!!..hope I win!..I did the like on facebook and a comment here so far!!..have a great day!!..please pick me!..send one of your beauties to Canada!!
This train case it absolutely beautiful! I am hoping to redo my bedroom (all girly..) and this would be so beautiful displayed there. It just gorgeous! I would cherish it, if I were lucky enough to win.
Oh the thought of one of your train cases in my studio would be a dream! I would fill it with bits and pieces of fabrics for sure. Thanks so much for the chance.
xo, Abby
I'm a follower of your beautiful blog:)
I've added your giveaway to my sidebar:)
xo, Abby
I am a loyal follower, I have "liked you on Facebook, I have your give away on my side bar. I hope I win. I believe my E-mail is attached to this comment.
Thanks so much.
I am a faithful follower on Facebook!
I would love to win the train case just to finally have a copy of your beautiful work in my hands to admire close up and personal. I'd put it on display in my boudoir! :)
Dear Rebecca, I love your train case and know that it will make some one very happy.
If I were lucky enough to win the train case I would like it to go to someone that could never in their wildest dreams ever afford or imagine being able to own something as beautiful as this.
I am sure your or someone at your church would know of someone that is deserving and that is the person that I would like to win this case. They do not have to be a church member they could be a deserving person in the community. But most of all they could never afford to buy this, I think would be the best gift of all for this case.
Thank you Rebecca for this, Blessings always, Maureen Reid
What love you share through your decorating! So enjoyed seeing your blog and the vintage train case.
Having just created my first blog I posted your link on it and also added my LIKE for you on FB.
What a delightful give-away!
Joyful blessings.......~Sandie
I have LIKED you on Facebook for quite awhile. Please enter my name!!
I just liked your FB page and am excited that I can enter your giveaway again.
Down Our Country Road
Lovely Blog, Rebecca
I have 'liked' you on FB
and I am a Follower and also use Google Reader to follow your blog.
Your Dream Train Case will be front and forward on a daily basis as my current knitting project is going to be kept there. This Oh, So, Feminine Train Case that sends my mind to some far off rail journey is going to have so lover here at my house. Thank you for your generosity
hugs to you while I daydream about this Gorgeous Train Case,
Gerry Hook
This is so beautiful. If I were to win this (got all my fingers and toes crossed) it would be a very special bridal gift for my granddaughter. I would fill it with all the hand worked pieces I'm doing for her...vintage linens with my personal touches, handmade ornaments and accessories for her home.....and dreamy little things she and her mom wore as babies.
I've liked (and commented) on FB
If I win this would go to my daughter who loves vintage stuff. She lives in Australia so this will have a long trek there!
Okay- I got my blog all done for the give away. I wished everyone BAD luck so I hope the post counts anyway!;>) Hmmm...now I gotta figure out how to get the thingy on my sidebar...and YOU KNOW ME! I will be back when THAT posts.
My blog will post Sunday (tomorrow) ..xo Diana
Whoooo Hoooo...I DID it, Rebecca. I got the thingy on my side bar AND it links back to this. This is BIG for me- BIG! lol So..I don't see my other post either but I am blogging about your give away on my blog tomorrow! xo Diana
Wow does the counter go this high? teehee
I liked you on Facebook.
I follow you. sandie
The reason I would like that case is because it is beautiful, made by you, and I go on a lot of weekend trips and it would be quite awesome for that. I go to Ohio to visit my grandson on the weekends. sandie
So glad to have found your give away! I would love to win! If I were to win I would fill the case with treasured items such as family photos, my childrens hospital bracelets, birth certs and baby shoes, my wedding anouncement, special cards from my husband and children, etc.
Have long dreamed of having one of your beutiful train cases.
Elizabeth @ The Porcelain Rose
I have added the give away pic to my side bar with a link back to the give away, Thank you for the additional chance to win.
Elizabeth Minshall @ The Porcelain Rose
I just blogged about the give away in a seperate post and included the photo and link to the give away.
Elizabeth @ The Porcelain Rose
I am your newest follower. Thank you for the opportunity to win such a fabulous give away!
Elizabeth @ The Porcelain Rose
Okay.... last comment.
I "liked" you on Facebook.
I have done the following:
#1 Blogged about the give away and included a photo and link.
#2 Added Give Away button to my side bar with a link.
#3 "liked" you on Facebook
#4 Commented on how I would fill the case if I were to win.
#5 Am a follower
Would LOVE to win! Will keep my fingers crossed.
Elizabeth @ The Porcelain Rose
I love this train case. It's so adorable. If I won, I would save it for my little granddaughter for a couple of years so she could use it for her room decor when she's old enough to take care of it.
I'm glad to know you have a FB page. Following you now.
Shirley Haynes Clark
I've been following your blog. It's been one of my favorite places to visit.
I am a new follower and I thank you for the chance to win this beautiful train case. I would give it to my adult daughter. She would absolutely adore this.
I have liked you on face book. Thanks for the chance.
Hi Rebecca! Been awhile since I have been here to see you. I would really like to win this! I would give it to my friend, NanaDiana. You know she posted about your give away this morning. She's been very kind to me this year and I would so love for her to have this wonderful little case.
Tete @ Beyond the Garden Gate
Hi, If I were to win this giveaway, I'd want it shipped to my Sister in Christ, Nana Diana. It would perfectly fit into her home, and she is such a lovely and thoughtful person.
Jettie Parrish at http://jettiesramblings.blogspot.com
Thank you for the opportunity to enter.
Beautiful, beautiful case! I "liked" you on facebook and began following your blog and I'm now commenting, so that's 3 entries! :-) And although I'd love to win the case and keep it (I'd use it as a baby girl photo prop) if my name is drawn, please send it to Nana Diana. I think she's get much more joy out of it than I would as she would use it for pleasure and I'd just use it for work. Plus - the srawing will be held on her birthday and it would make a wonderful birthday surprise! :-)
And thank you for offering such a beautiful give away. I'm glad I was told about it as I love your blog. I'll have to start watching it for ideas for decorating my tea room.
Your train case is just stunning! If I were so lucky as to win it, I would use it to store crafting supplies! Please enter me, Merci!
Donna Welter
Your train cases are just beautiful - I'm not sure I could part with it if I was lucky enough to win. It would depend on how spontaneous I was feeling when it arrived. But I'd be sure and let you know what I decided!
Oh how I would love to win your giveaway. It is so pretty, I would probably keep it. I "like" you on FB!..Christine
You have a beautiful blog and you are so talented so I am following you now....Christine
Hi Rebecca, I would love to enter your gorgeous giveaway. I would find the perfect place in my home to display it! I joined your facebook page a good while back, and of course I've been a follower of your lovely blog for a long time! Thanks so much for the chance!
hugs~~~ Daphne
What a beautiful treasure to give away. I would love to win this train case, and make it part of my decor in my bedroom. I have joined your facebook page, but so far do not have my own blog, and I will continue to follow yours. Bonnie
Dear Rebecca,
I have been following your blog since the beginning. It is such a blessing to me. I check it everyday at least once and to look at the many beautiful creations you make with those talented hands of yours. I have been lucky enough to purchase a few, but would love to buy all of them!
I have liked you on facebook and tried to leave comments a few times but I must have done something wrong. I'm trying yet again.
The case is beautiful. A few months ago I lost my mother after a long illness. Following your blog, I know what your mother means to you. I don't have to tell you what this did to me. Nothing compares to this loss and I have had many.
I would love to put all of my mothers sweet little trinkets that I received after her passing in it for my daughters and add some of my own as the years go on. It would just be something very special to bring out from time to time remembering the special woman that God graced me with, and was able to call Mother.
Thank you for being that special someone I can go to for encouragement. You may never know how many lives you touch!
May God Bless You in All that you do.
Cathy Rowan
Cathy Rowan
Wow - ich bin sprachlos!!!
So wunderschöne Koffer!!!
My english is very bad, but I´ll try it:
Wow - I´m speakless!!!
Such beautyful, wonderful, gorgeous cases!!!
I`m the first time at your blog.
I love it!!!
Have a nice day
and lovely greetings from Germany,
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