Perfect For Gift Giving
For more years than I can count I've made petite Bath Salt Balls for gifts. I'm not sure where I first got the idea to fashion these little gems, but I've loved making them for at least twenty years. Simple to make, plus they are sweet, inexpensive gifts for those you love! Once packaged up in cello bags or glass jars they look absolutely lovely!
Here's what you'll need:
Fragrant Bath Salts can be purchased at most any variety or drug store. I purchased two large canisters of Salts at ROSS for about $7.99 each and they had lots and lots of scents to choose from. I chose FRESH COTTON because I loved the sound and thought of it!
This can be found at stores like Walgreen's, etc. I purchased mine in a roll but I do think you can buy pre-cut squares!
Found at any hardware store (like ACE). Heavy Duty Thread can also be used.
I buy glass jars at the thrift store and have found some really beautiful ones for .99 each! If you think you'll be mailing your gift skip the jars and use cello bags (available at craft stores). The Salts turn out just as lovely in a decorated bag as they do in the jars.
5. Ribbon
You can use almost any style of ribbon!
6. HANG TAGS (optional)
If your knowledgeable with Photo Shop or Paint Shop Pro computer programs then you can make printable tags for your Salts! If not you can always hand-fashion some to your liking!
Here's what you do:
1. Unroll your gauze and working with two layers cut 4" squares.
2. Place two (2) tablespoons of prepared Bath Salts into one 4" double layer square of gauze.
3. Tie up with heavy thread or string. Knot. Snip threads.
4. Roll Salts within your hand to mold slightly into the little balls.
5.Prepare Tags
You can include a sweet sentiment on the back and instructions for tossing ONE SALT BALL (gauze and all) into a drawn bath!
6. Fill cello bags or jars and attach hang tag. Tie with ribbons/decorate as desired.
Here's the finished product again...
Blessings for a beautiful day!
Love to you...

You make everything look so PRETTY!! Who wouldn't love getting a little gift like this? I never would have thought of using gauze, great idea! I think I'm going to give this a try!
such a cute idea, I will be making some of these.. Thanks for sharing this!!
The balls turned out so sweet. I have made them for every baby shower we have had in our family and it is quite lovely as a party favor. I love the way to market them.
I am inspired! Thank you, Rebecca!
You do make things look so simple and easy! Whew. sandie
Dearest Rebecca,
You are incredibly smart and inventive for creating the loveliest and very economic gifts!!!
Love to you,
What a darling idea. Something even kids could make for their Moms! Love it..and I love the Fresh Cotton scent! xo Diana
Everything you do is beautiful! This looks so easy and just in time for the holidays! thanks for stopping by, good luck on my giveaway, I would follow you anywhere too!!
Rebecca those are just so pretty! You are such a talented gal!
Thank you for sharing with us!
Rebecca girly, you do so know how to inspire people, I just love that your such a creative and talented little chica....giggles :)
Goodness, Rebecca! I don't think there is anything you can't do! I mean, some of us have it...and some of us don't! :) YOU have it all! What sweet little gifts these make.
Love and hugs to you.
So cute! To use do you toss the whole puff in the water or open it and pour it in?
Melissa: You toss the whole puff in the water and then throw it out when your bath is over!
Oh sweetie, your little 'puffs' are just precious and I can almost smell 'em from here!!!
Ya make everything look soooo simple!
Ya'll have a fantastically blessed weekend!!! :o)
Hi Rebecca,
I haven't been here for a visit in a while. I love coming for a huge dose of romantic pinks. ♥ Thanks for the recipe for the bath salts.
Have a wonderful day filled with Pink Sparkly faerie dust.
Love and Hugs,
Steph ♥
Thanks for sharing such a fun idea. Just a soft pretty useful treasure for someone to use.
Super idea... thanks for sharing!
Hope you have a blessed weekend :)
This is at the top of my list for xmas gifts to go along with my treats. Lovely share - Thank you. Hugs. Tammy
Sooo pretty Rebecca... wish I could have scented things... xoxo Julie Marie
Rebecca~ these are too pretty! They would be great for my daughter to give out at the Holidays to all her " girlie girls"....
Thank you!!
Gypsea Nurse
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