Last week I spent some time hours rummaging around on eBay. Even though I don't spend a lot of time on the site anymore I still will occasionally peek in to see if any of the things I've been watching now for EONS and EONS actually gets listed!
Sometimes I hit the jackpot and sometimes I don't. Yesterday I did manage to snag a Vintage Train Case (YIPEEEE!) and I'm always excited when I find the RIGHT KIND at a truly fabulous price!
I'm always hunting for the same-old same-old...
Old lace (be still my heart!).
1940's Cookbooks (for me and my girl)
Old Books and Sheet Music
Antique and Vintage Postcards
Aging Trims
Several years ago I bid on an auction for 7 or 8 rolls of vintage pink ribbon from the 1940's. My bid was sooo high that I was shaking. I was half hoping I'd win and half hoping I'd lose! When I won the lot for only a few bucks I was speechless (and that nevahhhhh happens!)...
Even with as much as I've used I still have about five rolls of that ribbon left. Each of the new-old-stock rolls had 50 yards. Takes a long time to go through that much ribbon when you basically use it to tie small accent bows.
Anyway...back to eBay.
I somehow stumbled upon an eBay auction for some ribbon last week honestly thinking it was junk (not good junque but JUNK!). Sometimes descriptions are extremely vague and the photos are poor. Lots of times it's hard to tell WHAT someone is offering because quite frankly they don't know! I see it all the time. That little saying about 'one man's junk is another man's treasure' is very, very true when it comes to eBay (or any Tag Sale I suppose!)
(that means grosgrain)
So I watched the auction for several days, eventually bid and ultimately ended up winning the listing for $12.50 (plus $8 or so shipping). Not really knowing WHAT I was going to get I figured I'd take a chance on the ribbons given the fact almost all the colors in the lot I would use...
I mean aside from selling online I must remind you my Miss K is EIGHT and loves to craft and glue and sew and paint and...and...and...
That means I must have good 'kid stuff' on hand for her to play and experiment with!
(Have I told you lately I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE being a Nana???? God's biggest blessing in my life!)...
OK...back to eBay again...
The ribbon came in the mail today and WHOAAAAA DOGGIES was I in for a real shocker!
I opened up the box to find seven almost full rolls (50 yards each) of fabulous ribbon from the 1940's.
I actually wasn't sure of the made-date but it was fairly easy to whittle down when it was manufactured by the telephone number from Gramercy, NY. A little bit of searching on Google and I discovered a few old phone books from about 1944 when the same exchange name was being used. So, even though my guess on the age of the ribbons would have been the 1940's-1950's I'm glad to know for sure the approximate date the ribbons were actually made.
This ribbon is wonderful even though it does have a bit of a peachy cast to it. I'm going to do some experimenting and try my hand at custom dying a bit of it!
Now...want to know what really made me SMILE BIG about getting this ribbon (aside from the price I paid for it!)?
Can you guess?
Yep! That's it! Made in the good old U. S. A!
Sweet find, huh?
Our old factories and mills made the best stuff!
(What happened???)
I will be uploading my Christmas Category to my A Gathering Place website this evening sometimes (have no idea what time yet) and will be adding more to it every day until everything I have already made is photographed and descriptions are written. Then I'll be back to the grind until Christmas!
(Did I say that?)
Now...on Saturday I will start a brand new GIVEAWAY so I hope you'll come back to see what's new!
(Nope...I'm not sharing my ribbon...Sorreee! Feeling totally selfish lately!) :) :) :)
Love to you...

Haha I wouldn't share that ribbon either :) I'm so glad your granddaughter has your creative gene, what fun you must have together! Congrats on the great eBay win!
Mary @ Redo 101
Rebecca it is so beautiful!!
It is so perfect for you!!
OK...so you're not sharing your ribbon. And I was just SURE you were going to send me a roll of that blue. Phooey on ya, then!
Now, it seems to me that...a couple of posts ago...you mentioned selling some of your supplies on eBay. Do you mean fabric, perchance? If so...you have my attention.
Oh...I made a pillow yesterday...and I would've KILLED for your ruffler.
I love putting up a max bid only to be surprised with morning coffee that my lowest bid took the win. I just did this with one of my favorite shows on dvd, ghost whisperer. I don't know why exactly but that show is awesome when I'm having down days. Anyhoo, it normally sells for over a $110.00. I got it for far less and was thrilled.
About a year ago I found gorgeous fabric with florals in the colors I one day KNEW I would do my home. 8 yeds of very high end fabric. TOTAL S/H included, $30. I love finding good bargains.
Your ribbons, that is a steal!! Me thinks you robbed them blind.. hehe. Hugs.
What a find! Congrats on hitting the jackpot.
Hugz, Z
Good win on some pretty ribbon! Let us know how the dye job turns out!
I love doing research on vintage goodies that I find! when i see a picture of it pop up on the internet, I get a little thrill!
Have a great day! ♥
It sounds like you have a real love and appreciation for ribbon and of course, you put it to good use. I'm happy for your eBay wins...I was never very lucky there so I haven't been there in awhile.
Miss K is already 8? How time flies!
Goodmorning Rebecca!Thanks for visiting my blog its always nice to see you.Have a lovely weekend!
Can't blame you for not sharing your ribbons, lol, they are way too gorgeous.
WOW, you lucky duck, you, lol!! What a fabulous find of Gorgeous ribbon ~ It is hard to find good quality vintage ribbon ~ my stash is getting a bit low, so I'm on the hunt for some more. Looking forward to you opening up your Chirstmas Category on your website to see all your gorgeous and pretty in pink items ♥♥
Have a great weekend!! I'll be freezing my "you know what" off tonight at my son's football game :( They better win, lol :)
Warmest hugs, Brenda
WOW, you lucky duck, you, lol!! What a fabulous find of Gorgeous ribbon ~ It is hard to find good quality vintage ribbon ~ my stash is getting a bit low, so I'm on the hunt for some more. Looking forward to you opening up your Chirstmas Category on your website to see all your gorgeous and pretty in pink items ♥♥
Have a great weekend!! I'll be freezing my "you know what" off tonight at my son's football game :( They better win, lol :)
Warmest hugs, Brenda
I'm a ribbaholic. I can't stand not to touch them. This looks beautiful. I have a granddaughter, too, who loves messing in Mawmaw's "stuff." Your blog is just so beautiful.
Dearest Rebecca,
You got very lucky with that and besides being made in the U.S.A. to me the fact that it is rayon and cotton is even more valuable as it is far better than the polyesters we see now...
Love to you,
Hi Rebecca
I wouldn't be looking for that much ribbon myself, but I am excited for you. Speaking of lace... I was at our antique barn yesterday and they have tons of old lace which made me wish I had a use for it. It also made me think of all the bloggers I know that would love to look through the lace.
That is a wonderful find Rebecca - those ribbons are SO beautiful. Lucky you.
Have a wonderful day.
I think God smiles when something so simple, yet beautiful, gives us a thrill.
what a beautiful ribbon in a very nice color.
Congratulations on your sweet deal, dear lady!
O.K. You just keep that ribbon and do something fabulous with it so we can be drooling. We'll be needing some bibs, so perhaps you should add them to your inventory! I love it when you share your goodies, even when you don't "share". Ha! Have fun.♥♫
Hi dear friend!!!...Your ribbon find is fabulous!!...so excited for you!! I was able to snag 72 yards of some beautiful insertion lace recently at our bi-annual antique show here in town for $8. I was thrilled...the lady was cleaning out her mom's stash from years ago (she was a lace buyer between US and Europe, mostly France) her laces were beautiful.
It has been so long since I have been able to comment on any blogs (technical difficulty with google and blog), but I check them almost daily. Have been loving all the latest posts, except for you be sick. I about died when I saw your ruffler post...I have been on Mr. Johnson's list for almost a year now waiting for him to get one in and I think I was 30. I hope some of your viewing friends save one for me...hee hee!
I have been working at organization as well as many sewing projects this past summer...think I finally have that "case" figured out...so far so good. Have truly missed you and think of you sooo often. Big hugs and love to you (and that sweet little Miss K)!! ...Mary H.
I don't blame you I would be selfish too when it came to this gorgeous ribbon. lol
Hope your having a wonderful weekend
Lucky you!! I would love to find that, it is sooo gorgeous! I seldom buy on ebay, but did just recently. The description was vintage electric candles still in original bag!, the kind I alter for Christmas. They arrived and they had upc codes on them and where from Big Lots! I wrote the lady and she said she thought they were old and she was waiting for a new kidney and her granddaughter had cancer, I told her she should be a shamed of herself! I should have given her a bad review, but I didn't! Glad you had better luck
Good for you! What a stash. Don't you just love it when you hit a great deal on something pretty. ; )
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