(Fabulous White Pillows on the Cheap)
Aside from my smooth non-wrinkled skin there is something I seriously miss about being young! Betcha you're thinking it's my natural brown hair, huh?
(Not Vintage but Still Wonderful!)
It's my GOOD EYES!
It's my GOOD EYES!
Yesterday morning I had my annual eye exam and my prescription for my new contacts is making me more than a bit irritable moody ticked off.
I'm such a baby!
Soooo HM (high maintenance)!
Anyway, I'm farsighted so no Lasik surgery for me. Bahhh! I expected some discomfort as my Doc said it could take up to a week to get use to the new lenses....
I'm such a baby!
Soooo HM (high maintenance)!
Anyway, I'm farsighted so no Lasik surgery for me. Bahhh! I expected some discomfort as my Doc said it could take up to a week to get use to the new lenses....
I'm such a big baby...oh~I already said that!!!
My Mr. AGPMan has no idea how lucky he is he's away on business right now!!!
I'm such a big baby...oh~I already said that!!!
My Mr. AGPMan has no idea how lucky he is he's away on business right now!!!
(Totally Yummmm-eeeee)
After leaving the vision center (and before my eyes glazed over!) I stopped off at one of my favorite OKCity Stores, THE FEATHERED NEST MARKET. I love this shoppe! It's full of neat junque and I can easily spend an hour or more inside just looking around!
(Big and Fluffy Twenty-Four Inchers)
Since I'm still working on my new guestroom with it's "Cool Elegance" walls I thought I might find something that might just work. I wasn't looking for anything particular...just looking in general.
I found a great tablecloth I can use for my business and I also spied a couple of large 24" white-work pillows. Now...I make and sell pillows so for the most part I'm not interested in such things. Still I couldn't help but flip the price tag over to view the asking price...
As I looked at the Tag(s) I thought surely my newly examined, slightly watery eyes were playing tricks on me. Was that price right??? Are you kidding me??? No Way!
I couldn't believe it but those fluffy, cushy, brand new 24" jobbers were $15.75 a piece! The stuffing/Polyfil would have cost that much even if I had tried to make them and that doesn't even include the fabric!!! I picked up both the pillows, carried them to the counter, checked out and drove home...
(Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy. Sunshine in my eyes can make me smile Buying sweet pillows on the cheap sure makes me smile...la la la la la...)
I think my new finds look lovely in front of the vintage pillows already on the bed! I still have trim work to paint (ummm...I mean my hubbs does!), window treatments to sew and a couple of other odds and ends to finish up before the room is complete! Looks like I'll meet my goal and be done with everything by Thanksgiving!
Hope your Hump Day is fab!
Love to you...I'm off to work in my studio! Much to do!!!!

Good luck and enjoy your new contacts - I didn't know that far sited people could wear contacts.
And I love those 'white' buys and pillowcases.
I can just see you when you discovered the cheap price on these pillows. lol
Enjoy your Hump Day too
You are amazing....Love what yo do......big hugs.....
Rebecca, I too had to see the eye dr. yesterday. I had tried my new glasses..I love /hate them. I went from reading the whole chart three years ago, to only the 3rd line this year. I also miss my good vision. But with my glasses on I can see your beautiful linens. :):)Susie
Hi, Rebecca...I have been MIA for a few days due to computer woes, but
am happily back now! What a winning post today for you!! Those pillows and the elegnant cases are lovely! And they look gorgeous on your bed!!
I know you were one delighted chickadee when you spotted them at the shop and even more so when you got them home and had the chance to see how fabulous they look on your bed!!
I love pretty pillowcases, too, and my friends think I have lost my mind because I still always IRON mine!!!!! I just like the look and feel of ironed pillowcases...there's
something about it that makes you feel SPECIAL..not just for company!
Since I did not get to comment on your Tuesday post, I wanted to add your tablescape looked beautiful with the creamy whites and the neat white painted wire candleholders...
the supper sounded GOOD, too!! Isn't it nice to visit with old friends, too!? Always a treat!!
Hope you accomplish much in your studio today.Love the new "pretties"
you are offering for sale now....
always soooo wonderful.....
Hugs, Francy
Those are gorgeous!! I do love it when one can find fabulous things, and not spend mega bucks! Love seeing yet another small glimpse into your beautiful guest room ♥ When you get a chance, come and stop over to see what I scored at one of my local Goodwill stores Monday ~ I'm still flying high from finding them :)
Wishing you a fabulous & creative day in your studio making your beautiful pretties!
Warmest hugs, Brenda
I have always been "blind"! My eyes just keep getting worse...I no longer can do counted cross stitch...but, I am grateful to be able with contacts and readers to do fairly well. I hate going to the eye doctor though...is this better or that?? 1 or 2? I don't know! both, neither???
anyways...you found some great pillows....shopping always makes us feel better!!
I've always been nearsighted, with perfect vision up close. Well, now that's starting to change...and the eye Doc has fitted me with mono-vision contacts. So now one eye (right) is for distance and one eye (left) is for close up. YIKES! For WEEKS I felt like my right eye was buggin' out! Except for those days when I threw vanity to the wind and wore my bifocals. Still...for very close-up work...my naked eyes work best. Fun gettin' old, isn't it?
I'm loving your blue room...just gets better and better. I'll be entering your give-away soon...just need a little time to work on it. I'd LOVE to win that one, for sure!
Hello Dear Rebecca,
Sorry it has taken me so long to get over. Have had the grandbaby the last 3 days and he takes up most of my time. I love your pillows and of course the blue on the walls. I have been wanting contacts but I am afraid I won't like them. Let me know how your's work out. I am off to have a peek at your giveaway.
Hugs and blessings!
In younger days I never appreciated the cutwork I would see all over town. Back then I lived in a smaller town with many elderly ladies who would do the most incredible work in the factories or by their own hands. I so wish I could've seen a glimpse of my future!! I would be battened down by the weight of what I would've have grabbed. It just isn't the same these days. Your room is looking beautiful.
SIDENOTE: I found 13 post in my spam section so you may want to click your spam button to see if they got misdirected on your blog. I hope you find your post either way.
Dear sweet rebecca,
Love the new shams!!!! I have made some similiar ones out of vintage linens. I line the cutwork and filet fronts with a soft colored, fabric so there is just a peak of color showing through.
Have a great fall!!!
Huz, Carol
Hi Rebecca
Great score on the white pillows - I have several on my bed and love them.
Getting older brings on more things than we bargained for, especially in the eyeglass department. At least you're wearing contacts which I never tried. I always take my glasses off for pictures too - vanity huh? :-)
Enjoy the rest of the week.
Hi Rebecca~Lovely pillows you have scooped up sweetie, they are just yummy :)
Good luck with your eyes!!!
You make me crack up sometimes! So sorry about the adjustment to the contacts--I just put my glasses on EVERY morning and leave them on until I get into bed.
This room looks so heavenly and the pillows are great eye candy. Have a good week.♥♫
all soooo beautiful!!
Great find.
barbara jean
these pillows are beautiful, and it looks like a wonderful place to spend there hours in the featured nest
Those pillows were a fantastic bargain, very elegant and so beautiful.
Dearest Rebecca,
Oh, good eyesight is such a treasure... Let's pray that we make do with what we got for many more year.
You hit the lace jackpot again!
Enjoy and love to you,
Oh how I wish I could wear contacts or have LASIK surgery, but I can't......dry eyes and other problems. Good luck on your adjustment.
The pillows are gorgeous!
Oh, good luck with your contacts, Rebecca. And your room is totally dreamy, my friend!!! Gorgeous!
Rebecca, You have got to be the most motivated "creator" I don't know yet. :) Seriously...you have ENERGY that I'd like to borrow! I have been wanting to work on some projects and my full time job (banking) is zapping my energy level so bad. You INSPIRE me when you post what your making, and how you're decorating your home. You are living my passion... :) And I can tell with every word you type that it is your passion as well! About 22 years ago I had a small time local company that I called "Heart's Desire". I used Psalms 37:4 as the scripture and I made Prayer Pillows for your Heart's Desire. I started out making them as gifts and someone encouraged me to make them to sell. When I crossed over to sell them I lost the intimacy of what I'd initially created them for. I would pray for each person that the pillow was intended for...and then I'd wrap the prayer up and put it in a pocket that I had sewed on the heart pillow... Some of your pillows remind me of a similar look that I had with mine. I used a lot of chiffon in those days... I do miss it.... Thanks for sharing and making me smile! :)
Beautiful items!
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