Come to think about it, even as a child I was never good at sharing... :)
This is what I found today...look closely! Some of these pretties you are sure to see offered up before long on my website (which I'm AGAIN working at restocking)! That is IF (and I do mean IF) I can bear to part with any of them...
I think it's that "sharing thing" again...

"What is (my) favorite find?" you ask? Hummm! That is hard to say! I love the Slated Basket and that old wooden Paddle (great for pink rose painting)! But~ I also love the precious 1940's Coffee Pot, dainty Tin Cup and that fabulous vintage Oil Can!!! Still...I'm drawn to the thoroughly romantic vintage Dusting Powder Jar, those sweet and timeless Jingle Bells and the PINK Lefton Hands are 2die4! And of goes WITHOUT SAYING that I dearly love the pretty hat with that GORGEOUS PINK ROSE...
What do I love most....hummmm...
Maybe it is THIS...

Alone in a box with a bunch of crummy old newspapers and some fairly new diet magazines was a 1987 Premier Edition of VICTORIA MAGAZINE...
BE STILL MY HEART... I truly thought I might faint!
I gently picked up the aging beauty and held her close! I hadn't seen one like her since I loaned my ONLY COPY to my neighbor over twenty years ago (don't get me started!). Back when I was still a young Momma living on Cimmaron Road and before ANY of us knew what that Magazine would one day represent! I was too excited to faint, but I DID feel light-headed! The HTF (Hard To Find), HSA (Highly Sought After), CAHP (Commands a High Price) circa 1987 collectible was in wonderful condition! Especially for being over two decades old...
Now...before you all REALLY hate me...
Here is her price:

I'm going to sleep really well tonight! :)
Blessings to you as you hunt for treasures in YOUR town...please stay away from mine~ ('s that sharing thing again!)... Rebecca :)
Ooohhh ~r~,
hahahaha..(that sharing thing)..aahh.. what a crack-up !!Now, you shared by showing, and now, you have to share by letting goooo..hahaha.. WONDERFUL treasures my friend.. That basket, the powder jar, tin cup, coffe pot.. The magazine OMGosh, can you believe it ?! How am I to go to sleep with pretty painted pink-rosed items up for grabs..Your killing me my swee friend.. But, I have to say I'm thrilled for you, and your treasure hunting excursion today.. Job well done, HOW FUN !!! Now, remember to always share with others' and "let go"..hahaha.. Love to you my sweet friend who no matter what ALWAYS finds it in her heart to share with me.. or is it, so you don't have to hear me whine..boohoo...I know you'll sleep well tonite.. nite nite.. to the moon ~tea~xo
Oh,my what great finds. I,too,would have a hard time letting go.I love the hat and powder box. Can't wait to see what you do with all of your new found treasures.
Kindred spirits we are!!! How I would love to go treasure hunting with you! Your blog is a delight! Please come and visit again with me as I shall do with you.
As I was looking at the items that you found, I could easily invision your beautiful pink roses on them. I know that they are going to be amazing when you transform them.
I know how you feel when going to thrift stores, etc. I get so excited when I find 'treasures'. My sister and daughter just laugh at me! They just don't 'get it'. LOL
That was a great find with the magazine! I would have almost fainted too!
Lee Laurie
YOU LUCKY DOG! NOW why did you have to go and post that caution about lead pain???? I am so glad you did really. I am terribly worried now about my two chippy white chairs that I ADORE and getting lead poisoning! OK now which is worse giving up the wonderful chippy white paint that is on them or lead poisoning??? Sand those babies off honey and don't forget your mask!
Thanks for the caution Reb.
Thank you, Rebecca, for visiting my blog-- I loved reading your profile. You have such an interesting life. I wish I had some "snippets" of old lace to send to you, but my Grandma used them all to make beautiful things. I wish I had time to shop for beautiful treasures, too, but my life as a full-time writer does it. So I get to "enjoy" your beautiful things vicariously! Blessings to you, Sister!
Rebecca~~Well I am out of town again...Just read your blog post for today with your new finds...Simply beautiful, I had to laugh at how you are teasing us with each item. Aren't you just the "little brat"...I'm off to check this town out for goodies! I'll have to check out your corner shelf story later...aahhhhhhh!!! ~xxxooMary H.
I can see the teapot now... it will be heavenly. That hat would look wonderful on my mannequin!! Wonderful finds I'd say.
hmmmmm, did that read 50 cents? OMG!! Lucky you. I'm happy you were able to find the magazine and that you found it in such great shape. My favorite of your finds would have to be the powder jar. I've been looking for one to add to my bathroom. Like you I shop the thrift stores, yard sales, antique stores...etc. I'm sure I'll find the perfect one for me soon.
Have a happy day
What lovely finds...if I had been with you, it would have been a tussle over the Victoria magazine and th pink hat.
Oh, the Irish stew recipe - it was okay - just okay.
Rebecca--what a wonderful find the pink hat was!!! I envy you that one. I always love to read your posts and am eagerly awaiting the next one.
In Grace,
Hi Rebecca, Oh the pink hat is my favorite. Of course the other things are nice too. I use to have a whole bunch of victorian mag. from way back, but I had to get rid of some at the time. I do have my regrets, I wish I had kept all of them. Oh well.
Take Care-
What a pretty blog. I have a shelf that you painted several years ago. Love it. I have added you to my favorites. Come for a visit.
I love thrift stores also. Your rooms are all so pretty and I love your beautiful style. The pink hat is great!
Oh, yes...I'm just like you!! If I miss a Saturday of "pretties", I feel as if I was NOT on the list of invited people to a party!!!
You found some lovely items!! I love the pink hat, too!
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