On my last stop of the day I found myself at one of the sweetest antique markets here in my city. I was actually looking for something in particular for my studio. I've wanted a slanted writing desk for quite some time now. I'd seen one there on my last visit but was sad to find that it was already sold. However, I found another one that I actually liked better! After carefully looking her over I decided to give her a new home...mine.
At the checkout counter I saw the smiling and familiar face of a friend. I'm always happy to re-connect with people I’ve come to believe God has placed in my path. We chatted for a bit, a little about the store, some about my business and then even more about her and the happenings in her life. It was then I realized something was troubling her...I could see the sorrow…
As my friend shared with me her concerns I found myself taken back a few years. Back to the day my own family faced similar hurts and devastation. Back to life changing, life crushing events, that if I'm honest with you, broke my heart...
I listened as my precious friend continued to talk. I worked hard at choking back the tears for her story sounded all too familiar. Her story was once mine. And so I began to share with her where the novel that had become my life had taken me...
It was on the drive back home that I thought again about the events that took place seven years earlier. Hurt, fear and disappointment flooded back into my mind like they’d just happened the day before. I recalled how incredibly alone my hubbs and I felt and how frightened we were by days we hadn’t even yet lived.
And then I remembered…
Our very existence was in God’s hands. It was the peace He offered to us that changed the course of our lives. A supernatural, straight from heaven kind of peace that overshadowed us, guarding our hearts…
Want to know the outcome brought about by life’s unexpected hardships?
Joy…only joy!
Blessings to you as seek the peace that passes all understanding…Rebecca
What a fun day you headed out to enjoy. We had a lot of fun visiting the 'twice but nice' shops in OKC on each of our visits ... filling the car to the hilt before packing up to ship home. It is fun, the people are warm & welcoming.
Your friend was placed with you yesterday, for you to share/understand her story. It is so obvious that the pain/hurt you have felt/trod gave way to such deep compassion for your friend ... I am certain you were of great comfort & compassion for her.
Isn't it wonderful how God takes/lead us on our daily paths ... God wipes away tears & heals hearts bringing us such happiness thru Him.
TTFN ~ Marydon
So true Rebecca! The difficult situations or trials are a way of purifying us. How can you know real joy, if you have only experinced joy. Only with the sour can we appreciate the sweet.
Hubs and I went down to Calif last week and Calif will never be the same since daughter and I went to Moreno Valley, but son is struggling along pretty well. See the latest post for pix of him........... Prayers have definitely helped him a LOT!! Thank you,
You always seem to leave me at a total loss for words, you are an incredible person!!!! Thank you for sharing that truly touching story, you are such a sweet soul.
Hugs to you!
So many times people don't read the faces of those they speak with. Often times in our own joy we forget others may have sadness. It is only when we face a trial do we know how important a blessing can be to us & for us. I use to be one that was always go go go absolute type a personality and i'm so certain i've missed a lot in my lifetime. Living with my illness's has taught me all to well to appreciate the little things and every person who comes into my life for whatever reason. Friend or stranger, all people have something to teach us. I know heartache & heartbreak but I know joy as well. Some days she may be hard for me to see, but it is there in some form. I just need to find her and appreciate her.
When people are down with worries and concerns, they need someone to talk to.You were that one.You stoped and listened.Then gave her words of hope.Not many people do that.They don't want to be bothered.They have their own concerns.but that was very sweet of you and May god bless you. Marie Antionette
Dear Rebecca, so glad you were there for your friend. God comforted you so you could comfort her.
God is in control....how I cling to that thought for my dear life!!
Blessings to you, Barb
Rebecca, I NEVER read what you've written without being uplifted. You have such a way of saying things....what a treasure you are. I have a tiny frame in my bathroom with a few special words printed in it......"and God is still in control"....one of my dear friends tells me that all the time. She started when I was going through such a hard time, and it's so true, isn't it? It says so much in a couple of words......
God bless you sweet, tenderhearted girl.
Rebecca, your walk with God is a strong one. Your faith in Him is evident each time you write. I so appreciate your sensitivity and compassion for others - another indication of the Savior's love working in your life. Many blessings.
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