Our little Miss K spent the last day or so here at her Nana’s house. Her Papa and I love it when she visits…especially during the week as we get a chance to both pick her up from school and then take her back again the next day. At six years old she is the funniest little thing we’ve ever seen and my Mr. APGMan and I are usually in stitches before we wave goodbye...
Since my hubbs and I have been working on eating better over this past year, we don’t keep much kid-friendly food in our home (save for the fancy jars of candy and cookies we have set aside for our very special girl). So, whenever Miss K visits we must make a food-run to our local grocery store so she will have something palatable to eat. For dinner last night were having baked Salmon with a simple spinach salad and trust me when I tell you those two things alone would NOT pass the inspection test of our only grandchild (they wouldn’t have been acceptable to her daddy when he was a child either!).
I’ve been swamped with working on restocking my website so my guy offered to do the work and scrounge up something else she might like to eat. He happily found a box of Mac and Cheese in our pantry and figured that it would taste great paired with what we had already planned for our meal. After offering up simple prayer of thanksgiving, Miss K began to eat the delicious side-dish prepared especially for her.
“Do you like the Mac and Cheese?” her Papa asked her…
Miss K shook her head in the affirmative but then quickly developed a VERY strange (but a bit familiar) look on her face!
“What’s wrong honey?” her Papa continued
She then promptly said this:
“Well, it tasted OK when I FIR----ST (drawn out) tasted it…..BUT…. when I CHEUUUU---WED it on the IN----SIDE it was just NASSSSS----TY!
After a deep sigh she continued….
I think I’d rather have the kind made JUST for little kids!”
It was then I realized my AGPMan had given her some natural/organic (wheat) pasta I had purchased for my grandmother when she was here last summer.
We were on the floor reeling with laughter!
I’ve decide that being SIX is my favorite of all the ages Miss K has ever been! Young enough to be completely innocent and yet old enough to be one-hundred percent honest with her feelings!
You know, sometimes I just really LOVE my life! One day I’ll share with you the story of our Miss K and how her daily presence in our lives is nothing short of a miracle! Trust me when I tell you that God can make good out of what the enemy hopes will destroy you~
“He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.” Psalm 40:3
Blessings to you this lovely spring day…Rebecca
How precious & sweet that adorable little girl is. You are truly blessed with her!!
Hee hee!! Oh my gosh Rebecca, your darling little granddaughter is just toooo Cute!! Out of the mouths of babes!! Poor grandpa, he did his best!! :-) Just Adorable!!
Blessings Friend~Sharon
LOL!!!! This was such a great post :-) Your Miss K is a darling.
How do you do it - have me crying an hour ago and cackling like an hen now :-)
Hi Rebecca! Oh, how nice to hear from you! Your little Miss K is so beautiful! I can see in those pretty little peepers she must be a hoot! Looks like she's just thinking of some mischief! That's a darling story about the Mac & Cheese! When our kids were little, we'd always go to a cafeteria place for lunch after church - they always chose mac & cheese and jello! Kid staples!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I love your blog. I could get lost in it. Great work.
That is too cute Rebecca! What a little dolly! Poor baby, I cant say I blame her!! What a little doll, I loved this post!!
Your little Miss K is adorable, and I'm in hysterics over the mac and cheese incident. Aren't they adorably honest? I bet she loves visiting her Nana and Papa.
♥ Teresa
She is so beautiful! I bet that y'all have so much fun with her at your house. I love this age too when they are so innocent and honest. It reminds me of something that my 7 year old said to me the other day when I picked him up from school. I will have to post about it one day.
Have a great day!
AAAhhh..Sweeet lil' Miss ~k~.. YES !! Adorable she is.. I LOVE children, and the innocent ways they behold.. They definitely will say what they feel, and hold nothing back..Don't you just want to eat her up !! God is good, and has blessed you tremendously!! I think it's time for another.. Don't you ?! You're the BeSt Nana, and blessing in her little life..It's ALL your fault she's such a girly-girl too !! Perfect Angel she is.. Have a blessed Sunday ~r~, and know I'm thinking of you !! hugs as always ~tea~xo
Your home is just beautiful!!!Kathy
What a darling story! She is beautiful. xo rachel
What a sweet little face Kylah has...she's a beauty!
She makes me laugh with her wit...Hugs to you as you enjoy her.
Rebecca ~
I never tire of the heartwarming stories that you share with us about your sweet granddaughter. I can't wait to hear more.
You are so right about the age, even up to eight years old. This is where you start to see the personality shine through and it gives you so much joy spending time with them. I have three nephews, and when they were at that age, I had so much fun with them. I can't even imagine having a precious little girl like her to spend time with. She's Beautiful!
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