Truthfully, I wanted to ask my hubby to just go and get them for me (he's actually good about stuff like that!). But, since it had been years since I bought a pair of "Leggs", I was clueless as to what I should even have him buy! Because of the late night hour my Mr. AGPMan offered to drive me and so off we went to our local Walgreen's.
As we walked towards the store my hubby eyed a pretty box sitting on top of the trash can just to the right of the double doorway. We stopped for a second to take a closer look at the package sitting in front of us.
"What is it?" I said!
"I have no idea!" my guy replied!
"I have no idea!" my guy replied!
I stepped closer to towards the box a tad bit fearful it might explode or something...it was then I noticed a little note peeking out from underneath the frosty blue bow. It said:
"OMGtoyou! Our Mother's Day Gift To You! If you're a Mother, Happy Mother's Day! If you're not give this gift to a Mother dear to you."

"WHAT IS THIS?" I said again!
"I just told you I DON'T KNOW!" my hubby again replied (this time a tiny bit excited!).
"Well, I'm gonna pick it up and see!" I said!
"I just told you I DON'T KNOW!" my hubby again replied (this time a tiny bit excited!).
"Well, I'm gonna pick it up and see!" I said!
Being just a tad bit anxious (and secretly afraid it all might just be some gag...or a bug...or a snake...) I handed the box to my man to open. Carefully he removed the wrappings, crumbling them within his hands as he began to lift the top off of what we then saw was a personalized gift box. In absolute amazement he pulled from within it's hiding place a tiny creamy colored bag imprinted with the name of a local, high-end jewelry store. It simply said "BC Clark JEWELERS".

OK...back to my story! The excitement is growing as a small crowd gathers around us.
A noticeable gasp can be heard from the people standing around us as my hubby spills out from within the bag two gorgeous 18K pearl drop earrings accented with delicate diamonds...I quickly reach for the earrings that are sparkling in front of me...
"It's a real deal!" my hubby says! "It's REAL! It's a REAL DEAL!"
I'm speechless! Frozen in place, I stand there for a few seconds holding the box, it's trimmings and it's treasure within my hands... Then I whisper...
"Can this be real?" Can I keep the earrings? Are they truly for ME?"
There is much to be said about being in the right place at the right time, I suppose. Still, as my guy and I drove home I couldn't escape the notion that God had been in the midst of the excitement and somehow had His hand in this unexpected blessing. The thought kept at me well into the night and I struggled to find sleep. I was exhausted from turning back and fro...as well as from thinking too much. When a moment of clarity came I realized something that had momentarily slipped my mind. I don't, and never have, believed in coincidence. I believe my steps are orchestrated by the Most High and He alone instills within me the paths I ultimately choose to take...

A few years ago I sadly lost over $950 when I accidentally dropped a bank bag full of the day's receipts from a business I once owned. I was devastated as my family and I needed the money in a terrible way. Crushed by the loss of the income and the affect it would have on my young children and their Christmas, my hubby reminded me it was 'just cash' (yeah, right!) and that we would survive. I remember well how I tossed in my bed that night as well... tormented by my carelessness and loss. I wept until the early morning dawn...it was then I heard the spirit of the Lord speak to me and I knew in my heart that one day my loss would be restored.
Joy came to me the following morning and with praise upon my lips I began a new day! My God is a faithful God. He is in every detail. He promised me in His word He would repay me for the years the locusts had eaten (Joel 2:25) and I knew that someday, in His time, He would keep that promise. Finding the earrings right outside the door of a business similar to the place where I dropped my money bag isn't lost on me and I now consider myself to be repaid in full.
I haven't decided just what I'm going to do with the earrings. I may gift them to my aging mother or save them for the day my own daughter becomes a mother...I'm not sure. For now I'm content to know they came from heaven, albeit by way of BC Clark Jewelers. I can't help but stare at them while carefully turning them over within my hands as if they are priceless treasure. To me they are. Evidence again that "The Lord is good and His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generations. (Psalm 100:5) KJB
Oh...about the hosiery (nylons)...I forgot them!
Blessings to you as you put your faith and trust in the One who can make everything right...Rebecca
OMGoodness! What a story and what a gift. I believe that God blessed you too. I would have also forgotten about the hosiery! LOL
Have a great day!
Oh, WOW! Did you contact BC Clark jewelers to see if anyone was looking for them? They are gorgeous.
I t sure is hard to loose anything, but more so money when you truly need it. I remember the year I burned all my old nylons stuffed in my drawer as we were clearing out to move ... but forgot that is where we had been hiding all our 'savings' in the world ... I cried for days when I realized what I had done. I've been hence rewarded in different ways for my loss, but at the time I couldn't console myself ...
TTFN ~ Marydon
WHAT.. WHAT..WHAT... !!!OMgoodness sweet friend.. I don't know that I would ever get rid of those, I'll tell you why.. I truly believe the Lord shown a bright blessing to you that late evening..Your trust, and faith has a way of paying off..It was Him, I believe in a BIG way shining HIS "pearly shiney" light down upon you !!I would put those bedside or in a sweet vignette that you my friend can see daily, and if ever being a "doubting Thomas" just glance over.. God is real and is surrounding us at all times.. Even at times when we aren't so sure..What an awesome story ~r~.. You are soo desserving.. They are beautiful !! I'll talk to you real soon.. I'm so uplifted by that.. Now, I've gotta run to work, but, yes, I'll be checking out trash cans..hahaha.. I'll share more soon ,you know I will..I LoVe my sweet friend as always.. Have a wonderful,blessed,day !! hugs for you ~tea~xo
Dearest Rebecca, I love how you place God first in your life...I can see this so clearly from your posts.
I pray daily for God to direct mine and Ron's path and order our steps....I truly believe He does.
Your story is amazing!!!!! Truly.
Love and blessings, Barb
More News...
I just heard back from Mitchell Clark (from B.C. Clark Jewelers) and he said this:
Thank you so much for taking the time to send us this wonderful email. This has been one of the most rewarding promotions we have ever done. In these uncertain economic times, we really wanted to do something to give back to the community and create a positive buzz. Whether we get much PR out of it or not, just hearing all the stories like yours makes it all well worth it.
In all, we planted 21 gifts throughout the community in an eight day span leading up to Mother's Day. It has been so much fun, we are considering making this an annual event!
Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy the earrings for many years to come!
Mitchell Clark
Well, Rebecca, what a blast! That is wonderful that you are the one to have found these ... AND, rewarded you now are. God bless you, enjoy & what a treasured story to continue to share with the world. May we see you modeling these gems, please?
I hope you will pop over & read Magnolias today ... it is so beautiful.
TTFN ~ Marydon
Oh Rebecca! What a beautiful story! I don't believe in coincidences either, we know it's God just being God!
All of my jewelry was stolen once at the airport and I was so very sad! My husband started buying me similar pieces when he could. But one time we were in Florida staying at a very nice and very olden hotel and he just happened to run his fingers around the rim inside of the safe in the room. He felt something and brought it out. It was a ring, but it was black! It had been in there so very long. He gave it to me and I thought it was probably something from a Cracker Jack box! I got out the toothpaste and an extra toothbrush and went to town on it. It was a beautiful diamond ring! Had it appraised and it was from the 1920s and it's gorgeous. I knew it had been there a long time and if we had turned it in they would have kept it. So I believe that ring was from God! I wear it every day! I believe in miracles.
Oh, I'm not that funny in person. You humble me. But my brain is running ninety to nothing most days and when I sit down at my puter, it (my tiny brain) has a ball! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I would make a memory/shadow box and put those ear rings, pictures of your loved ones, picture of your olde shop you had all in there... I believe your were spoken to. A spirit moved within and around you my dear friend and I would display proudly how it made you feel through pictures for all to see. People would ask you about your shadow box and you couldn sit and share the gospel through a story and a feeling.
Goose bumps... girl... goose bumps!!
Hi Rebecca, I am convinced that God led you to leave a comment on my blog so that I could read this amazing post of yours today. Thank you so much for sharing God's wondrous love for us.
Wow...did the store just do that around town? That is pretty neat!
Oh Rebecca,
I'm so glad you forgot your pantyhose! I hope you keep these lovely earrings for yourself and pass them and the story down to your children and grands. And everytime you put them on you remember the day the Lord blessed you in such a delightful way. I, like you, don't believe in chance. The Lord is behind every good gift. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful experience with us. It was so fun to read. This couldn't have happened to a dearer person.
What a cool story.
It is amazing that the 'little' things in life--hose--pale in comparison to His awesome care. Did life go on without the hose? Or did it just not matter so much anymore.
I will have to let this brew in my spirit for a while...
God's in the monkey business too, I think;-)
Rebecca, reading your story and all the beautiful comments truly touched me. I have been aware that BC Clark's was doing this for Mother's Day, and reading this makes me know it was well worth it. I know this exceeds any and all expectations.
Yes, it's a good thing I went along as my dizzy "in a hurry" gal was about to breeze right past it when I spotted it on the trash can. Beautifully wrapped with a big blut bow, sitting on top of a trash can. My logical mind could just not process this with begging the question, "what is wrong with this picture?". You failed to mention the young lady in the crowd that had gathered around us. She had come into the store before us, had seen the box, but was afraid to pick it up. I guess she better start taking her "MAN" to the store with her. He He Yes it a wonderful Mother's day and I do not know of anyone more deserving. You have always been a wonderful mother, or to quote my son, "you're such a mom!". You would give up anything or go to any lengths to protect your children. Now I am the only child left in the house to keep in line and I will always give you a run for your money honey.
Praise God! I am so happy for you my friend. You should enjoy them now and then pass them on to your daughter or granddaughter later on. You deserve them!
God is Awesome!
Hi Rebecca~
Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. I have been a long time admirer of your, seeing your beautiful pillows, roses, and travel cases on ebay. Love your blog and the earring were beautiful. God is so good to us. I am like you, I think everything that goes on is God and done in his time. I hope you will visit often.
The next time we gals go out, may we each borrow your Mr. to go with us? Chuckle.
That is such a sweet note Mr. wrote, Rebecca. You truly are blessed with a sweetie.
Don't forget to model them for us all.
TTFN ~ Marydon
Oh, Rebecca! What a beautiful, heaven-sent gift! I read with amazement!
The Lord's love for us and the detail he gives our lives is too wonderful to tell. I rejoice with you for this precious gift that you will forever remember.
May God continue to lavish His blessings upon you.
With His Love,
P.S. I have thought about writing professionally but really don't know where to begin. I've heard a lot of sad stories of rejection. If you have any clues, please let me know. Blessings, again.
Oh my Rebecca!
This could not have happened to a more deserving person and I'm so, so, so, so happy it happened to you!! What a blessing you are to all who know you.
I hope your Mother's Day was so special....just like you. :)
Wowza! I wouldn't have slept either! Ha-ha!
Thanks for blessing my friend, Lord! ♥
Oh Rebecca!
I have tears in my eyes as I read this!
You just received a GIFT BOX of Blessings for our LORD. How cool!!!! Sometime they come in very unusual ways...GOD is so GOOD, huh?
Rebecca, What a wonderful story. How neat that you feel this is God's way of repaying you!
I have a similar story in which my purse was stolen with $2300.00 cash...I almost feel as though I had been followed from the bank. I was devestated. My husband and two small sons went all around looking in dumpsters for it. Of all things, I especially wanted a small card from my husband that was in it. Of course we DESPERATELY NEEDED the cash. That was 11 years ago, I have always felt that that situation would come full circle in some way. Your story encourages me in that thought. Have a wonderful day dear! xorachel
He orders our steps, no? You found the earrings b/c you'd write this post.
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