Just a quick heads-up before I scoot out the door for a day of Estate Sale and Tag Sale Shopping!
I'm so excited about my Fall Giveaway and hope you'll check back in the next day or so to see what's coming up!
I'm going to do something special! Very special!
Love and Blessings...Rebecca
I'm so excited about my Fall Giveaway and hope you'll check back in the next day or so to see what's coming up!
I'm going to do something special! Very special!
Love and Blessings...Rebecca
Hope you have fun Estate shopping. I love that kind of day! Have a great weekend and so glad to see you and your granddaughter are both feeling better!
OOOO Have FUN Rebecca!!
~Let FREEDOM Ring!~
I think you will have scads of fun estate sale shopping, and I will check back here to see what goodies you have found.
Oh Goody! Can't wait to see what you have cooking, oh I mean brewin...no created! lol
Glad to hear you are feeling better and out and about...I too have had the crud! Starting to finally feel better!
Hi Rebecca! Sorry, I've been slacking off on my commenting a bit and haven't left word with you lately. I have been reading your posts though. Your girls looked adorable in their ballet outfits. They are both very lucky they got to experience such a special thing when they were/are young. Most little girls dream of being a ballerina, I know I did, but never got to do any ballet.
Your old seventeen magazine was a wonderful find! How times have changed and yet how much they have stayed the same! Especially the female passion for fashion.
I can't wait to see your next giveaway. I know it will be special, because everything you do is! Have a beautiful day Rebecca!
Oh I haven't won in awhile! I think I'm due! I will be back! (I'm a follower so I will be here anyway! hehe)
What a fun day you'll have!
Hope you have much fun at your sale & find some goodies!!
I will stay-tuned for your giveaway reveal!! Can't wait....
Hope you have a great weekend!
ok watching and waiting....:)
You're off to estate sales and I'm vacuum packing hamburger?!?! How do I get the short end of that stick, sugar? Hmmmmm.....and then Love Bunny is off playing with his model RR trains at his club! I think I'm revolting.....uhhhh, let me rephrase that. I think I WILL revolt for better care! ;-)
Dear Rebecca, everything you do is special... hurry back from estate sale shopping and tell us more!... Bisous... Julie Marie
I still say the mid-west and beyond has the best estate and tag sales. As I like to say, I hope the tag sale fairies are with you today!
P.S. I am glad to hear that you and Miss K. are kicking up your heels once again.
I can hardly wait to see what you found today! I am sure you will share with us as you ALWAYS do!
Ok Im waiting & watching & keeping fingers & toes crossed again.... hope you get some lovelies at your estate sales....
Lyn xxx
Awwww! NO FAIR TEASING, Rebecca. Oh, well! We all know it is going to be exquisite, don't we ladies!
Hope you found lots of goodies while out shopping.
Hugs of love, TTFN ~Marydon
Can't wait to see the goodies.
Glad you are feeling better and having fun out "shopping"!!! It's my kind of shopping!!
Deb :)
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