Pink Roses - Sugar Dusted
I'm taking your advice and I'm spending my cloistered hours inside my Studio with both needle and brush. The final results will be some hand painted pretties and hand fashioned keepsakes for both eBay and Etsy... Watch for them! A few pretties will be offered up for sale later this evening!
Here's just a PEEK at even more romantic treasures that will soon be coming your way! When the weather turns ICKY I'm forced to do the majority of the prep-work in my studio or inside our garage (vs. our sunny and BIG backyard porch)! Prep-work is my least favorite part of what I do...all that BORING (and monotonous) priming and base painting gets to me!!! I usually base paint about 50 items at a time~but, lately it's been more like 10 or 15. I'd much rather spend all my time just doing the artwork!

(See One in Blue- Click Here)
The glittery Heart above is painted with my FAVORITE Cottage White Paint! All the Pink Hearts were pre-sold on a private sale for bridal shower favors (nice!). I can never decide what I personally love more~the creamy white ones or the ones painted with our signature sugary pink paint!
Before heading back into my studio I just couldn't resist snapping another photo of the view just outside my front door. Compare it to the one in my last Post and you'll be able to see just how much of the fluffy white stuff has fallen in 24 hours.
Your work makes me smile! Have a great weekend:)
Wow Rebecca sorry but to me the snow looks beautiful.... here down under we are sweltering in the temps that are in the high 30's day after day. Every arvo I look to the skies & watch as the summer storms we normally get go around us yet again & because of lack of water my poor plants have to go yet another day without a drink. By mid day my little cottage is like an oven (how I dream of putting in air con but too impractical as it would have to go in every room) & through lack of sleep I wake up more tired than when I go to bed.... I am longing for Autumn to arrive & with it cooler weather so I can start creating again without slippery fingers dripping with persperation... Your stunning creations just make me want to start even more, I am missing needle & friend like a long lost friend.... So I am sending my wishes to you for spring to arrive....
Have a great weekend my special friend..
Lyn xxx
Your handpainted pretties are simply gorgeous!
Happy weekend!
oh i just love those valentines! so lovely!
i remember those "love is..." cartoons, so cute!
G'eve, sweet Rebecca ~
We are getting your storm tomorrow. I look forward to the snow.
What can I say ... your creations are simply heavenly ... everything you touch becomes magically breathtaking. It is such a treat every day to pop by to see what you have beautified ... dreamy, creamy, sparkly, glittery ... it gives the day a bright lift.
Hugs of love, Marydon
Sorry you are having so much snow.I didnt think Oklahoma gets snow. Here in Washington State weve had a little at xmas but none so far..actually the weather isnt bad. Its not over yet though. I also hate to basecoat stuff. But Im so lazy Ill do it when I get an inspiration to do some roses on something.Your things are so pretty. You do such nice work. Sally
I have snow envy. Serious snow envy. I realize your part of the country is in the grip of a serious snowstorm and all, but I want some SNOW! I've been patiently waiting all winter and I need SNOW!
Now on to more serious matters, your
pretties are gorgeous. They look good enough to eat! Stop by when you have time, I went and bought that pink bedspread with the silver threads I saw a couple of months ago and I posted the pictures, if you even remember, LOL!
Have a great weekend and enjoy your snow, all tucked in safe and sound.
OOoohhh ~r~,
I can't stand this .. waiting .. You are making me drool for pretties .. I'll be watching this evening .. Everything is sooo gorgeous !! STILL LoVe that Cottage white, BUT, that sugarey PiNk well, I just can't resist !! Lovely .. just Lovely !! Stay warm my friend, you can always snug snug with Mr. Steve .. He will keep you warm ~
Love - n - hugs
Rebecca ~ Beautiful beautiful treasures that you have created ~
your weather is the same as ours. The snow is still falling here too.
You are so talented. Every thing you make is so pretty.
Your pretties are magical!!! I love your tiny pink roses. You are one talented girl!
Hi Rebecca. I love the beautiful things you've been working on. We were expecting snow in my part of Texas but the chances went away. We got quite a bit of rain and now it's just very cold. Stay warm, my friend. Blessings,
Hi, Rebecca! We have snow here this morning, too! It looks all sugary and glittery- very worthy of your creations! ♥
Hi! I am new to blogging but have actually foloowed you for some time! Love your designs! Stay warm!
Last count, we got 10", highest amount in the state. And my daughter has to travel home from Norman today. Please pray for her safe return home.
Rebecca, as always, your painted pieces just make me drool!!!! I will be looking to buy one of these. Thanks for visiting me. Surely this weather will clear up someday and we can meet at Inspirations!!
Rebecca...You are sooo talented.
I LOVE your hearts..the painting...the sparkles. They just say " all is right with the world"
You have a gift in making things beautiful, God Bless, xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Rebecca I can't wait to see your new pretties! Have a great weekend and keep warm..
Dearest Rebecca,
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment tht lifted my spirits, as always.
The snow finally made its way to us in North Carolina. We received 6 inches last evening and two more today. I hate driving in it, but the beauty of it all overwhelms me.
what can I say about your lovely creations? I yearn to purchase more of them soon. Everything that comes from your hand is so lovely and becomes a treasured heirloom.
Blessings to you today, my friend.
In Grace,
I love all your pretties! You get better and better with each new creation.
Hugs-- Mom
YAY!!!!! Everything you do is sooo gorgeous Rebecca! I cant wait to see what you are up to :)
Dear Rebecca,
I'm sorry but I have not had time to post about your giveaway so please take the extra entry with my name on it off but I still have your button on my sidebar! Thanks
Dear Rebecca,
I'm sorry but I have not had time to post about your giveaway so please take the extra entry with my name on it off but I still have your button on my sidebar! Thanks
You know how much I love your painted AND stitched things. I have a little heart already and love it. I am going to miss Valentines Day decorating this year, I think. Your things stay out all year long though. They charm everyone who comes to visit. "WHERE did you get that?!" they always question me... *smile*
Still have to take a peek! I never tire of your lovelies!
Something of you comes through all you create.
Love and smiles,
Good morning Rebecca
I just wanted to mention I am really enjoying your music selections this week..take care. Blessings to you and your Family.
Your pretty pinks are lovely. Love the heart shapes . I can imagine how tired of the snow and cold you must be by now. It will make us appreciate spring all the better.
Hi Rebecca! Your work is so lovely!! I am partial to the cottage white, but love it all!!
What a beautiful talent the Lord blessed you with!! So glad you're sharing it with us!!
Have a joyful week!
Rebecca...you sure do make pretty things. It is always a joy to visit your blog.
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
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